
Library Assistant

December 2016 — Present

Laconia Public Library ◦ Laconia, NH

  • Graphic Design & Marketing

    • Managed all library social media channels

    • Managed all library print and digital marketing

    • Created all in-house graphic design, including brochures, posters, forms, newsletters, and signs

    • Created consistent library branding through the use of templates and staff instruction

    • Maintained the library’s website

    • Edited videos for posting to social media channels

  • Technology

    • Instructed patrons in technology

    • Initiated and staffed drop-in tech help program

    • Instructed patrons on the use of two microfilm machines

  • Customer Service

    • Assisted patrons with excellent customer service

    • Promoted library services in-person and through social media channels

    • Provided readers advisory and reference assistance to patrons at children’s and adult service desks

    • Circulation tasks using TLC and Apollo

  • Cataloging & Collection Development

    • Analyzed collection stats and review journals for data-driven collection development

    • Weeded and inventoried collections

    • Purchasing of media collections, keeping a detailed budget for a combined $11,500

    • Cataloged, using original and copy, with RDA and AACR2

    • Collaborated & researched cataloging best practices to implement as official library guidelines

    • Managed microfilm collection, including collecting and sending newspapers for microfilm, ensuring accuracy of collection, and archiving digital editions

  • Supervising

    • Supervised & trained volunteers

    • Orchestrated project management, including proposal, procedure, and execution

    • Supervised media and book repair

  • Programming

    • Conducted monthly adult craft program for of 10-40 people, and a budget of $700

    • Created, arranged and maintained displays

Library Assistant

March 2013 — December 2016

Hooksett Public Library ◦ Hooksett, NH

  • Assisted patrons with excellent customer service including technology instruction

  • Promoted Library activities and services, including databases

  • Created, arranged, and maintained displays.

  • Processed materials

  • Handled NHU-Pac inter-library loans

  • Circulation tasks using Polaris and Leap

  • Developed & collaborated on project procedure, before taking lead on the project

  • Assisted Children’s Librarian in the reorganization of the picture book collection

  • Initiated new recurring program

  • Contributed to Leap beta test

PPT Library Page

September 2011 — December 2016

Concord Public Library ◦ Concord, NH

  • Maintained collections using circulation, serials, and cataloging with III Millennium

  • Instructed coworkers in use of III Millennium

  • Assessed condition of materials to send for consideration for mending or withdrawing

  • Ensured accuracy of collection by executing various search lists, shelving, and shelf-reading

  • Created and revised forms for workflow efficiency

  • Book and media repair

  • Processed materials

Volunteer Page

April 2011 – September 2011

Concord Public Library ◦ Concord, NH

  • Sorting, shelving, and retrieving materials

  • Tidying the library