the 6 escort carriers, 3 destroyers, and 4 destroyer escorts of Taffy 3 vs. the 4 Battleships (including Yamato) 6 heavy cruisers, 1 light cruiser and 11 destroyers of centerforce. Taffy 3 won, sinking 3 heavy cruisers and damaging 3 other heavy cruisers among other ships. 2 destroyers and 1 destroyer escort

were sunk in a desperate charge in the vain hope that maybe center force would retreat, and it worked. How is this battle not both a song and several movies.

Looking forward, the biggest challenge the team faces is distribution. They are confident in their ability to raise funds for the project, but that means nothing without the means to distribute the finished project. Last month the team attended the American Film Market, a festival for movies that have not been made yet. According to Ellis, it is like the NFL draft of the movie industry. This gathering is the forum for filmmakers and movie distributors to meet and try to strike deals. The group made some promising connections who are eager to look at the final proposal for the film.

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