Young writers’ contest
Young writers’ contest
1st Issue 2018-2019
The Young Writers Competition is a school-wide competition, which encourages students to write critically and creatively in English. It is a main part of the challenge library Program, the mission of the program is to encourage students to read, write and think critically about important topics in society.
Young writers’ contest
2nd Issue 2019-2020
It is with enormous satisfaction that Al Maha Academy for Boys presents its new collection – edition 2 - of inspirational writing, created by our children for your reading pleasure. Another amazing achievement from our skillful students from years 1 to 6, that corroborates and emphasizes Ta’allum’s Mission Statement “ The Academy is committed to providing a high-quality educational programme to raise a generation of continuous learners who are dedicated to the community and have high Islamic values and strong leadership skills”. It has been through the learning opportunities provided to our students that they have been able to delight us with their magnificent work. ‘The Young Writers’ competition has become embedded (in only 2 years!) in our students who in turn, enthusiastically and eagerly, participate and dedicate themselves to produce a range of genres that the entire school community can be proud of.
A special thank you goes out to everyone, from teachers to teaching assistants to students, who embraced this writing challenge and has led to the compilation of a variety of writing that we are certain is worthy of your time. Our Motto ‘Creative learners today, future leaders tomorrow’ are ever more present in our way of teaching and learning.
Many congratulations to the students who have had the chance to see their work published – hopefully this will inspire a new set of creative writers in next year’s competition.