
Transport & Parking

Auckland University of Technology

55 Wellesley St, Auckland City

WiFi code:




Where to go

Registration is in the upstairs Lobby area of the WG building between WG402 & WG407 (Level 4).

Welcome and Plenary, WG403 lecture theatre (beside the lobby area).

Morning tea and lunch served in the Lobby area between WG402 & WG407

Most workshops will be held in building WF on Level 3 and Level 7.

Go downstairs and across the plaza from the lecture theatre and use either the lift or the stairs to access WF rooms.

Getting to AUT

It is easy to get to AUT using public transport

Plan your journey ahead of time using the AT Journey planner


Carpool and use one of the nearby carparks/park in the outskirts of town such as Mt Eden Village and bus in to the city.

Parking in the Auckland CBD.

Owen Glenn Building - $25 day maximum. Take Wellesley St off-ramp and turn right.

Victoria Street and Civic Car Park $24 per day