Programme 2019

Thank you for being part of the AMA Mathematics and Calculus Teachers Day. We hope you found the day useful for your development as a maths teachers, and you enjoyed connecting with other maths teachers.

Jasmine Hall

Bevan Werry Speaker 2019

8.30am Registrations, making connections, viewing displays, tea and coffee on arrival

9:00am Welcome

9:05am Plenary

10:00am - 10:20am Morning Tea, making connections, viewing displays

10:25am Session 1

11:25am Session 2

12:20pm -1:05pm Lunch, making connections, viewing displays

1:05pm Session 3

2:05pm Session 4

Have a safe journey home!

My journey with maths: Why the curriculum needs to change

Jasmine is a PhD candidate in Mathematics at Wellington’s Victoria University. Her own engagement with Mathematics has come and gone during her primary and secondary education. She enjoyed a rejuvenated passion for our subject as she studied it at University alongside an Arts degree. Jasmine’s grandparents were both teachers in Tonga and she takes opportunities to teach and involve herself in outreach with Māori & Pasifika students. Her love for Mathematics has flourished, completing her masters and commencing her PhD study.

Jasmine was awarded the role of Bevan Werry Speaker at this year’s NZAMT conference. There, she delivered a polished keynote address. The audience saw connections with art and music - the beauty in mathematics. She showed us important maths ideas that don't tend to feature in secondary maths classroom. Her story will no doubt lead to some provocative thoughts on what we teach. Should Calculus dominate the hierarchy of Secondary Mathematics?

To see workshop details for each session click the buttons below