
Peer-Reviewed Papers

Racial social norms among Brazilian students: Academic performance, popularity, and racial identification

Published at the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), 2022

Joint with Charles Kirschbaum and Naercio Menezes-Filho.

Studies in the United States have shown that minority students might face a trade-off between better academic performance and peer acceptance, which has been termed “acting White.” This paper investigates racial differences in the relationship between grades and popularity in five Brazilian schools. Popularity is measured using friendship ties among students, assigning a higher value to students more central in the network. The racial composition of friendship ties is generally diverse, although they tend to favor racial peers, especially among Black students. We find a positive correlation between grades and popularity of non-White students that is driven by their friendships with their White classmates. This contrasts with patterns associated with acting White, where a negative correlation between minorities’ grades and their popularity among racial peers is not compensated by their status among White students. We also investigate how academic performance is associated with racial identity choice conditional on skin color, finding a weak negative relationship between higher grades and the odds of classification as mixed race.

Books and Chapters

Brazil: Employment and Inequality Trends

Joint with Sergio Firpo, Flavio Riva, and Giovanna Ubida.

Book Chapter in Tasks , Skills, and Institutions. Edited by Carlos Gradín, Piotr Lewandowski, Simone Schotte, and Kunal Sen

You can access the book here.

In our chapter, we document inequality and polarization trends in Brazil and investigate how the task content of occupation are associated with changes in these measures.

Números da Discriminação Racial [Number of Racial Discrimination]

Desenvolvimento Humano, Equidade e Políticas Públicas

Jointly organized with Michael França.

You can access the book here or here

In this book, Michael and I, jointly with several other contributors, provide a thorough analysis racial inequality, focusing on the Brazilian case. We have chapters on theory and measurement of discrimination, historical persistence of racial inequality, racial classification, and more empirical chapters focused on documenting racial inequalities in the labor market, education, health, violence, and political representation. I co-author 10 of these chapters.

Pre-Doctoral Publications

Fluxos migratórios sob a perspectiva da centralidade das cidades: uma investigação para os chefes de famílias (2000-2010) 

Published at Revista Brasileira de Estudos Regionais e Urbanos, 2020

Joint with Clauber Scherer


Este trabalho investiga como a escolha de migração feita pelo chefe de família relaciona-se com a inserção hierárquica funcional das cidades brasileiras. Para isso, combinam-se os dados censitários de 2000 e 2010 referentes à migração de data fixa, juntamente com o arranjo da rede urbana brasileira proposta no REGIC (2008), aplicando o modelo logístico multinomial para analisar como a escolha de movimentos migratórios entre a hierarquias está correlacionado com características individuais e regionais dos migrantes. Como resultados, observou-se que migrações cujo destino é o Sudeste associam-se a uma mudança ascendente de hierarquias. Além disso, pessoas com ensino superior completo têm maior probabilidade de migração para cidades de menor hierarquia. Esses resultados são indícios de que, embora a polarização exercida pelo Sudeste e pelas capitais continue dominante, há uma mudança do perfil migratório em direção às centralidades intermediárias, apontando para uma ressignificação do papel funcional desempenhado por esses centros.

A relação de fatores individuais, familiares e escolares com a distorção idade-série no ensino público brasileiro

Published at Nova Economia, 2017

Joint with Tanise Brandão and Ana Hermeto


This work discusses factors related to the age-grade gap, indicating the main determinants of it for Brazilian public-school students. Using data from PNAD and INEP from the year of 2013, it is evaluated how personal, family and school characteristics are related to the occurrence of age grade-distortion on public school students. More specifically, this work applies econometric models that deal exclusively with count data, such as Poisson and Negative Binomial, as well as models adjusted for excess zeros, such as Zero-Inflated Poisson and Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial. Among the results, it is highlighted a substitutability between the variables related to the educational and the individual-family context, with a reduction of the individual-family coefficients once educational variables are considered in the estimation. Furthermore, it is found that as students grow older, the absence of any previous age-grade gap is reflected in a smaller probability of it ever happening in the future.

Two faces of the same Georgescu-Roegen: from path-dependency and the imperfection of the human mind to institutional change and biophysical constraints 

Published at História Econômica & História de Empresas, 2017

Joint with Thiago Dumont Oliveira


O presente artigo argumenta que a trajetória intelectual de Georgescu-Roegen pode ser interpretada como um desenvolvimento contínuo, uma vez que subjacentes a dois elementos de seus trabalhos entre 1930-1954, quais sejam “path-dependency” e “psychological threshold”, estão as limitações cognitivas dos seres humanos e a importância do “tempo”. Destarte, esses conceitos estão fundamentados nos mesmos preceitos epistemológicos de seus trabalhos pós-1970, em que o autor propõe a reformulação da economia através da incorporação de restrições biofísicas, para se pensar em desenvolvimento econômico e mudanças institucionais. Destacam-se sua distinção entre “arithmomorphism” e dialética, sua crítica à “epistemologia mecanicista” da economia neoclássica e em que medida isso se relaciona à sua utilização do conceito de entropia.