History of ALWR

                                      History of the All Lutheran Women’s Retreat (ALWR)

 In 1981, women from four (4) different branches of the Lutheran faith, the Lutheran Church of the Missouri Synod, The American Lutheran Church, the Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches, and the Lutheran Church in America wanted to gather together.  There were many close personal relationships between the ladies of these four different organizations, but nothing brought them together outside of their own organizations.  So doing what women know how to do best, they made that happen by organizing the All Lutheran Women’s Retreat (ALWR).

Following a merger in 1988 of three of the four Lutheran churches who had begun the ALWR, the Lutheran Church of the Missouri Synod (LCMS) and the now Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) continued to plan the All Lutheran Women Retreats.  Since August of 2010, this now includes the North American Lutheran Church.

The All Lutheran Women’s Retreat is a separate non-profit entity unto itself and is not affiliated in any way with the abovementioned religious organizations. The women serving on the planning committee and those who attend the retreats are members of these different branches of the Lutheran faith. The All Lutheran Women’s Retreat is not limited solely to Lutheran women, but ALL are welcome as over the years women of all denominations have attended.

The first All Lutheran Women’s Retreat was held October 2 -4, 1981 at Massanetta Springs Conference Center, in Harrisonburg, Virginia.  It was decided that every two (2) years an All Lutheran Women’s Retreat would be held, and a planning committee selected to serve in handling all the logistics involved in hosting a retreat.  A retreat has been faithfully planned and held every two or three years since 1981.

Guided by the Holy Spirit, faithful women from the different organizations, mentioned above, have stepped forward to serve on the planning committee.  The All Lutheran Women’s Retreat has continued for 43 years and in November 2024 will host the 21st retreat.