Fields: Micro Theory, Political Economy, Charitable Fund-raising, Contests
Multiple Prizes in Tournaments with Career Concerns, with Huseyin Yildirim, 215 (2024): 105778, Journal of Economic Theory, forthcoming
Biased Experts, Majority Rule, and the Optimal Composition of Committee, with Huseyin Yildirim, 127 (2021): 1-27, Games and Economic Behavior
Social Pressure, Transparency, and Voting in Committees, with Huseyin Yildirim, 184 (2019): 104943 Journal of Economic Theory
A Capture Theory of Committees, with Huseyin Yildirim, 177(1) (2018): 135-154 Public Choice
Learning by Fund-raising, 21(4) (2017): 291–316, Review of Economic Design.
"Giving" in to Social Pressure, with Huseyin Yildirim, 99 (2016) 99-116, Games and Economic Behavior
A Theory of Charitable Fund-raising with Costly Solicitations, with Huseyin Yildirim, 103(2) (2013): 1091‐1107, American Economic Review
reprinted in The Economics of Philanthropy and Fundraising Volume II, edited by James Andreoni, ed., Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN-10: 1782546057, 2015.
Online Appendix, A Theory of Charitable Fund-raising with Costly Solicitations,
Work in Progress
Teams competing in Tournaments with Career Concerns
Political Purchases
Public Economics (Fall 2023, undergrad)
Industrial Organization (Spring 2024, undergrad)
Topics in Public Economics (Spring 2024, undergrad)
Topics in Advanced Microeconomics (Spring 2024, PhD)