Download Wzcook Untuk Windows 7 32bit


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How to Download Wzcook for Windows 7 32bit

Wzcook is a program that can recover WEP keys from wireless networks. It is useful for testing the security of your own network or accessing other networks that use WEP encryption. However, Wzcook is not compatible with Windows 7 32bit by default. You need to download a modified version of Wzcook that works on Windows 7 32bit.

In this article, we will show you how to download and use Wzcook for Windows 7 32bit in a few simple steps.

Step 1: Download Wzcook for Windows 7 32bit

The original version of Wzcook can be downloaded from this link. However, this version will not work on Windows 7 32bit. You need to download a modified version of Wzcook that has been patched to run on Windows 7 32bit. You can download it from this link. This is a PDF file that contains the download link and instructions for Wzcook for Windows 7 32bit.

Step 2: Extract and Run Wzcook for Windows 7 32bit

After downloading the PDF file, open it and follow the instructions to download Wzcook for Windows 7 32bit. You will get a ZIP file that contains the executable file wzcook.exe and a DLL file msvcr71.dll. You need to extract these files to a folder on your computer. You can use any ZIP extractor program such as WinRAR or 7-Zip.

Once you have extracted the files, you can run wzcook.exe by double-clicking on it. You may need to run it as administrator if you encounter any permission issues. To do that, right-click on wzcook.exe and select "Run as administrator".

Step 3: Use Wzcook for Windows 7 32bit

When you run wzcook.exe, you will see a command prompt window that shows the available wireless networks and their WEP keys. You can copy the WEP keys by selecting them with your mouse and pressing Ctrl+C. You can then use these keys to connect to the wireless networks using your wireless adapter or another program such as Aircrack-ng.

Note that Wzcook only works on wireless networks that use WEP encryption. It will not work on networks that use WPA or WPA2 encryption. Also, using Wzcook on networks that you do not own or have permission to access may be illegal in your country. Use it at your own risk and responsibility.

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Step 4: Test Wzcook for Windows 7 32bit

After you have obtained the WEP keys from Wzcook, you can test them by connecting to the wireless networks using your wireless adapter or another program such as Aircrack-ng. Aircrack-ng is a suite of tools that can crack and analyze wireless networks. You can download it from this link. You will need to install it on your computer and run it from a command prompt window.

To use Aircrack-ng, you will need to put your wireless adapter in monitor mode. This will allow you to capture and inject packets on the wireless network. You can use the airmon-ng tool from Aircrack-ng to do that. For example, if your wireless adapter is wlan0, you can type the following command:

airmon-ng start wlan0

This will create a new interface called mon0 that is in monitor mode. You can use this interface to scan and connect to the wireless networks using Aircrack-ng tools.

Step 5: Scan Wireless Networks with Airodump-ng

To scan the wireless networks in your area, you can use the airodump-ng tool from Aircrack-ng. This tool will display information such as the network name (ESSID), the encryption type (WEP, WPA, etc.), the channel number, the signal strength, and the MAC address (BSSID) of the access point and the clients connected to it. You can use this information to identify the network you want to connect to.

To run airodump-ng, you need to specify the interface name and optionally a channel number or a filter expression. For example, if you want to scan all channels on mon0, you can type:

airodump-ng mon0

If you want to scan only channel 6 on mon0, you can type:

airodump-ng -c 6 mon0

If you want to scan only networks with WEP encryption on mon0, you can type:

airodump-ng --encrypt WEP mon0

You can stop the scanning by pressing Ctrl+C. You will see a list of networks and clients on your screen. You can note down the BSSID and the channel of the network you want to connect to.

Step 6: Connect to Wireless Network with Aireplay-ng

To connect to a wireless network with WEP encryption, you can use the aireplay-ng tool from Aircrack-ng. This tool can inject packets on the wireless network and perform various attacks such as deauthentication, fake authentication, ARP request replay, etc. You can use these attacks to associate with the access point and generate traffic on the network.

To use aireplay-ng, you need to specify the interface name, the attack type, and some parameters such as the BSSID, the MAC address of your wireless adapter, and the WEP key. For example, if you want to perform a fake authentication attack on mon0 with BSSID 00:11:22:33:44:55, MAC address AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF, and WEP key 1234567890, you can type:

aireplay-ng -1 0 -a 00:11:22:33:44:55 -h AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF -e "WEP Network" -y 1234567890 mon0

This will send a fake authentication request to the access point with the specified parameters. If successful, you will see a message saying "Association successful :-)" on your screen. You can then proceed to inject packets on the network using other attacks such as ARP request replay or chopchop.

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