# Privacy policy

Last Updated: June 13, 2022

## Preamble

Protecting your privacy is important to us. Web3 Digital Wallet is committed to protecting the privacy, security and accuracy of personal information they collect, use or disclose in accordance with applicable law. This privacy protection policy (the « Policy of privacy ») is a statement of principles and guidelines concerning the privacy of individuals using the services offered by Web3 Digital Wallet (except our personnel, whose personal information is collected, used and disclosed in accordance with our policy of protection of confidentiality for staff.


BY SUBMITTING PERSONAL INFORMATION TO WEB3 DIGITAL WALLET OR ITS AGENTS, YOU AGREE THAT WE MAY COLLECT, USE AND DISCLOSE SUCH PERSONAL INFORMATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS PRIVACY POLICY OF PRIVACY PREFERENCE REGARDING THE PROTECTION OF THAT CONFIDENTIALITY YOU WE HAVE INDICATED AND AS PERMITTED OR REQUIRED BY LAW. Subject to legal and contractual requirements, you may refuse or withdraw your consent to certain of the identified purposes at any time by contacting us. If you refuse or withdraw your consent, it may be that we are unable to provide or continue to provide certain services or information that may be helpful.

## 1. Web3 Digital Wallet

Web3 Digital Wallet is a French company registered in Chartres - France.

Web3 Digital Wallet provides to users a self sovereign identity based on decentralized data stored in a personal wallet.

Traditional architectures to validate, certify, and manage personal data are based on centralized, top-down approaches that rely on third-party private operators. Unfortunately these solutions often lead to inappropriate use of personal data and hacks.

Web3 Digital Wallet approaches this issue starting from a user perspective through a Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) focused on personal data. Web3 Digital Wallet allows identities for natutral person and legal entities as companies and public or private organizations. It is for everyone the opportunity to use a new technology to get tamper proof data while keeping the ownership of that data.

Identities with their credentials can be displayed, if needed, anywhere on digital platforms : social media, websites, Job Boards, etc. They provide to third parties reliable data about professional experiences, skills or education.

This policy of privacy applies to the collection, use and disclosure of any personal information about users of our services.

## 2. The type of personal information collected

Legislation on privacy defines personal information very broadly as information about an « identifiable individual » or as information that identifies an individual. The types of personal information we may collect from you from time to time include: your name, your address, your email address, your phone number, your service preferences,information about your education, your professional experience, your previous and current employers, your skills and information about the content you post to Web3 Digital Wallet.

## 3. The reasons for the collection of personal information

We collect your personal information for the purposes to provide the product, service or information you requested. If you are a user of our services.

We use your professional data to build professional credentials and resume.

We use your email address and phone number for authentication.

We use your email address to send you the credentials you requested.

## 4. The communication of your personal information

Law enforcement and communication under legislation

Web3 Digital Wallet may disclose your personal information to a government agency that has asserted its lawful authority to obtain the information or where Web3 Digital Wallet has reasonable grounds to believe that the information could be useful in the investigation of unlawful activity, or to comply with a subpoena, warrant or court order, a person or body with jurisdiction requiring the submission of information, or to comply with a court decision concerning the presentation of information records.

Web3 Digital Wallet may also disclose your personal information to legal counsel.

## 5. Control of your personal information

Web3 Digital Wallet wants you to be able to maintain control over how we use your personal information. In particular:

You can have the right not to participate in some or all of those purposes, uses and disclosures listed in sections 3 and 4 above.

You always have the choice to ask us not to use your e-mail address, etc. and to provide the service or information you requested.

See « How to Contact Us » below

## 6. The storage of your personal information

For archiving the credentials issued by Web3 Digital Walletsyour personal are stored on a central server or a private blockchain and a decentralized file system as IPFS. Your personal information is always encrypted.

Your data will be encrypted with a special key we cannot communicate through the platform. For your information, please contact our responsible for the protection of confidentiality as identified in the section « Contact us » below).

## 7. The consultation of your personal information

Upon written request, subject to certain exceptions, Web3 Digital Wallet informs you of the existence, use and disclosure of your personal information and you will see them.

You must send your request for our responsibility for protecting the confidentiality, details of which are classified « Contact us » (below).

## 8. The protection of your personal information

We make every reasonable effort to protect the loss,misuse and alteration of personal information under our control.

Our security policies are periodically reviewed and enhanced as necessary.

Only authorized employees and suppliers have access to your personal information.

When personal information is sent to a third party for processing, we make sure, through contractual agreements with it, that your personal information remains secure. We keep your personal information during the period when we provide a product or service and for a reasonable time thereafter in the event you wish to resume service.

We operate secure servers protected by firewall systems and password protection consistent with industry standards.

## 9. The protection of confidentiality and websites

Web3 Digital Wallet sometimes collects personal information through its various websites. This clause provides additional information regarding the collection of personal information.

Cookies : When an individual visitor accesses the website Web3 Digital Wallet, we may use a browser feature called a « session cookie » (cookie) to collect information such as browser type and operating system operating the visitor is using, the Web site domain name from which a visitor came, date and duration of the visit. A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification number that identifies the visitor's browser (without necessarily identifying it) for our computers each time our websites are visited. Unless a visitor specifically informs us (p. Ex., by subscribing to our services or sending us a message from web sites), we will not know the identity of visitors. Visitors can reset their browser to notify them when they receive a cookie or decline cookies.

However, when visitors refuse cookies, it may be unable to use some of the features available on our websites.

## 10. Changes to the privacy protection policy

Web3 Digital Wallet reserves the right to modify or supplement this privacy protection policy at any time.

If we make changes to this policy of privacy, we will post those changes on our websites and the amended policy available upon request to the responsible for the Web3 Digital Wallet privacy protection.

However, Web3 Digital Wallet will obtain the necessary consents required under the law on the protection of applicable personal information if it seeks to collect, use or disclose personal information about an individual for purposes other than those for which the consent was given, unless it is otherwise required or permitted by law.

## 11. How to Contact us

Web3 Digital Wallet has appointed an official of privacy which oversees compliance with this privacy protection policy and applicable laws for the protection of personal information.

The contact information for the Web3 Digital Wallet protection of privacy are :

Responsible for protecting the confidentiality of Web3 Digital Wallet

Email: contact@AltMe.io.

## Appendix 1

Personal data protection - Your data on Web3 Digital Wallet

### What personal data collected about me ?

When you request a credential to Web3 Digital Wallet, you provide us with personal information that might include your given name, family name, your decentralized identifier(DID), email, birth date, country of birth. You can also choose to add a phone number to your account for a better authentication process.Those data are stored on Web3 Digital Wallet servers.

Depending on the decentralized network, Web3 Digital Wallet might eventually own some of those servers for persistence.

### When ?

We collect the information you provide us including when :

• you contact us via our contact form on our website

* you request a credential as a proof of identity, a proof of majority (over18)₎ or a proof of email.

## On what legal basis and what times are my personal data processed ?

The processing of your personal data is justified by various foundations (legal basis) depending on the use we make of personal data. You will find below the legal basis that we apply to our main treatments.

• With your consent. We ask for your agreement to process your information for specific purposes and you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of the service to which you have agreed.

• When we’re providing a service. We process your data to provide a service you’ve asked for under a contract. For example we can process your information to request a professional experience assessment to a former employer. Without exception, you can at any time object to processing based on the legitimate interest by notifying Web3 Digital Wallet.

### 1. The data you provide us : Legal Basis Contract

• given name, family name, E-mail address, phone number, birthdate, country of birth and residence, identifier (DID)

We have this data to process authentication, improve our product, create services and generate reports.

### 2. The information we collect : Legal basis: Legitimate interest

• IP Addresses

• Browser

• Mapping

We store this data to improve our product, create services and generate reports.

## How do we use the information we collect ?

* To provide, improve and develop our services

* To create and maintain a reliable and secure environment.

## My rights as users ?

• Manage your information

You can access and update your information by sending us a contact request.

• Correction of inaccurate or incomplete. You can correct inaccurate or incomplete personal information directly via your profile or sending us a contact request.

• Objection and deletion of data.After closing the account, the data is permanently deleted except for those that can afford to Web3 Digital Wallet justifying the execution of its legal or contractual obligations.

The data retained are for a limited period of one month and subject to no use during this time.You may terminate your account at any time by going directly to your Web3 Digital Wallet account to "delete your Identity".When you delete your identity, data collected by us (username, wallet address, password, email, phone) are deleted and all links to your data stored on Blockchain servers are deleted. Data on Blockchain Network cannot be deleted but are no longer accessible.

• Data protection and security infrastructure. We attach great importance to the protection of customer information and privacy of their users. We have established high safety standards. Web3 Digital Wallet is committed to take all reasonable measures to avoid any unwanted event (illegitimate access, modification or unwanted and disappearance of personal data).We collect navigational data to allow us to ensure the safety of our services and to detect, prevent or track any attempt of malice or computer intrusion or violation of the conditions of use of our services. Data is stored using the security concepts as: Firewall, Load balancers, Data encryption,Data replication in different geographical areas.

• Delegate for Data Protection. Thierry Thevenet, Role: CEO, Email: thierry@AltMe.io

## Appendix 2

Web3 Digital Wallet collects, uses and discloses your personal information using fair practices regarding information that correspond to the 10 principles of protection of the following personal information :

### Principle 1 : Responsibility

Web3 Digital Wallet is responsible for personal information.

Under its control and has designated an official of privacy that must ensure compliance with Web3 Digital Wallet of this policy to protect confidentiality and laws Privacy.

The contact information of the privacy protection are classified in « Contact us » of this policy of privacy. Furthermore, our liability for the personal information we collect continues even if we communicate such information to other organizations. For example, when we disclose your information to another organization (eg. Ex., One of our service providers)

### Principle 2 : Identifying Purposes for Collection of Personal Information

Web3 Digital Wallet will determine the purposes for which personal information is collected prior to collection or during it. Some of the purposes for which Web3 Digital Wallet collects, uses and discloses usually personal information are described in Section 3 of this privacy policy. If we intend to collect, use or disclose your personal information for additional purposes, we will amend this privacy protection policy (and we will notify you) or we will seek to obtain your consent.

### Principle 3 : Obtaining consent to the collection, use or disclosure of personal information

We will obtain your consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, except as permitted by law. For example, we ask for your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information for the purposes described in clause 3 of this policy of privacy. You may withdraw your consent at any time with regard to some or all of the stated purposes, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. However, please note that in certain circumstances, we may not be able to provide our services if you withdraw your consent with respect to our use of your personal information.

### Principle 4 : Limiting Collection of Personal Information

Web3 Digital Wallet will limit the collection of personal information, both in terms of quantity and type of information to what is necessary for the purposes identified by Web3 Digital Wallet. In addition, Web3 Digital Wallet will collect your personal information in a fair and lawful way, without deceiving you or misleading you about the purpose for which the information is collected.

### Principle 5 : Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention of Personal Information

Web3 Digital Wallet does not use or disclose personal information for purposes other than those for which it was collected unless you do there consent or that the law requires. Web3 Digital Wallet will keep your personal information as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes.

### Principle 6 : Accuracy of Personal Information

Web3 Digital Wallet will endeavor to ensure that your personal information is as accurate, complete and current as necessary for the purposes for which they are intended. Web3 Digital Wallet will update personal information when necessary to achieve the purposes or upon notice of the individual concerned. Point Contact.ne does not routinely update personal information, unless such a process is necessary to fulfill the purposes identified. If your contact information and / or other personal information changes, please contact us so we can update our records.

### Principle 7 : Safeguards

Web3 Digital Wallet will protect your personal information by security safeguards appropriate to the degree of sensitivity of the information. For example, computer servers in which we store your personal information are protected by firewalls and other security devices corresponding to industry standards. In addition, your personal information is made available to our employees and our service providers as a function of selective access to offer our services or otherwise fulfill the purposes specified in clause 3 above.

### Principle 8 : Openness concerning policies and practices

Web3 Digital Wallet will ensure that specific information about its policies and practices regarding the management of your personal information is readily accessible. For example, the latest version of this policy of privacy will always be available on the Web3 Digital Wallet website at https://Web3 Digital Wallet.co/privacy/ and request protection officer confidentiality as identified in clause « contact us ».

### Principle 9 : Individual Access to Personal Information

Upon written request, subject to certain exceptions, Web3 Digital Wallet informs you of the existence of personal information about you, the use made of it and the fact that they have been disclosed to third parties, and you will see them. If we do not allow you to consult, Web3 Digital Wallet will notify you in writing, give reasons for the refusal and inform you of possible remedies. If access is granted, Web3 Digital Wallet will give you a reasonable opportunity to review your personal information. You can challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.

### Principle 10 : Challenging complaint regarding non-compliance of the principles

you have the right to complain of non-compliance with this privacy protection policy by contacting the responsible for the Web3 Digital Wallet protection of privacy.