Many years ago, as part of an online group, I created a written vision of my idealized life. Many of us in the group chose French names and essentially created our own French woman alter ego through this exercise. It was eye-opening and challenged each of us to clearly focus on the life we wanted to create.

After struggling some time, I finally found a german textbook which is Begegnugen by Schubert Verlag that is much more easy to study by myself than other textbooks such as Menschen. I also search for something similar in french but unfortunately most of the french textbooks are so oriented towards classroom setting that it is almost impossible for me to study them. I mean, even the average french textbook also seems to be designed more for a classroom and I don't know why.

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I adore this alter ego via French Jeanne...I did eat a sensible breakfast when out this morning for brunch...fresh fruit salad and a piece of mutligrain toast...really wanted eggs, bacon, and hash browns!

I looked at the hash browns and alas I ate 3 of my husbands....mmm.

This is too much fun- thank you for all of your input and I'm glad that people seem to like Jeanne's perspective! Glad to know you all don't think I am too crazy... :)

I love hearing about your alter egos and how they inspire you (positively or otherwise...) Thanks for all of your comments!

This topic is so much fun. I need to remind myself more what my alter ego would do or not do. What she would not do is what I do much too often -- speak a littler louder than I would like, brag about stupid things, have a big mouth, etc. She would speak more softly, not talk about herself all the time and maintain her mystique.

okay - i named my alter ego Bella (because i've always liked that name and it means "beautiful" in italian).

what would Lisa do? (that's me - Lisa.) 

sit on the couch and over indulge in a package of not-so-great store-bought cookies and skim milk for dessert

what would Bella do?

patiently take the time to make just a cup of delicious decaf coffee with a just a dash of light cream and savor it slowly with one or two the dining room table. :)

So funny...I have an alter ego name too: Sapphire...She's self confident, assertive and sexy. Thanks or the reminder to be Sapphire more than Sharon. :) I came via a comment you left on Sharon McPherson's blog. I'll be back!

What do you write?

I have one of her books, her website is interesting as well....french hints for chic dress and lifestyle abound. I just need to implement them 24/7...I need to buy some wonderful pajamas sound divine and sexy....mais oui!

Sharon- Thanks for stopping by. Sapphire... I love it! How can you go wrong with an alter ego named Sapphire? I am writing a mystery novel and am currently putting the finishing touches on it (am a little behind schedule though :) 

Michael- LOL we have all had one of those nights!

Hostess- Silk pajamas are definitely something your chic alter ego would approve of. Funny you say that because I actually went through my pajama drawer two days ago and got rid of everything that wasn't suitable!

Oshiya- You would like her books- they are less 'commercial' than French Women Don't Get Fat. They are a little hard to find though. I think the prices are inflated on Amazon so I would suggest buying them through her website. She also writes a little personal note when she sends them to you.

Rebecca- Hmmmm.... Rosemarie? Roxanne? LOL This is fun. Let me know when you come up with one :)

Josephine- LOL I wish that was me! (minus the cigarette, of course). Oh I think a French alter ego would suit you well...but I know what you mean- it could get to be like Mulholland Drive :)

Rose- I love both of those names! Just imagine asking yourself "What would Camille do?" lol

Bonjour Madame- She is really good fun isn't she?

BigLittleWolf- Yes, I thought that picture summed up my French Alter Ego aptly :) And yes Louboutins are a requirement!

M. Lane- LOL. Louis Jourdan- what a great alter ego. I think adding a last name is a great idea. It solidifies it, you know. Hmm. What would mine be? Jeanne de Rochefort perhaps? :)

I need to get her books, this is the first I've heard of them, I know I'm out of it! I've been trying (failing miserably) to learn to communicate over here in France that I can't even remember my own name anymore. 

Perhaps an alter ego would work for me too - wait - I already have my blogger nom de plume...Mimi Bleu!

Sorry to run on but I'm trying to refrain from the pizza and Coke.

I'm a huge fan of Anne Barone and her website. I do love her philosophy for living a life of pleasure and discipline to remain thin.

I've followed your blog for quite some time and I really enjoy it.

By the way, my alter ego name is Lulu. Not particularly French but I like it.

i loved this post! coming from pretty much 100% italian ancestors, i never really considered having a french alter ego. :) but, i am starting to notice that my blogging personality is developing an alter ego - The Coastal Cheapster - who is extremely good at finding deals or alternatives to satisfy The Coastal Chicster's expensive taste. :) Haha.

My real name is actually of French origin, but since its my real name I think it cannot be the same as my inner french girl's name. After careful thought, I think that my inner french girl's name is Elle. Simple, yet sophisticated. Two of the things I want most to be.

I just happened on your blog and love it! I also love the Anne Barone books and have them in my "library" of books I read and re-read. My French alter ego is Genevieve and she has helped me shed almost 40 lbs over the course of the last year. LOL that statement actually makes me laugh. It sounds as though I'm schizophrenic and I suppose I am a bit these days, my Irish self wants to indulge in scones, but my French self says, non et non!!

A wonderful week to you!

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Your alter ego doesn't curse nearly as much as mine would have in this predicament. 

I'm going to pass this advice along to my sister, though I'm pretty sure she safely falls within Gabrielle's camp. (who made me laugh once again)

First..the french toast snowman is adorable! Forget Martha...she doesn't know a good thing when she sees it sometimes :)

As for the bamboozled part... that does suck, but when baby Jesus glares, what can you do? At least there is a small part of you that is happy about it. Go with that..!! And good luck! Hope it goes well (as I'm sure it will)!

Alter Eco refers to two alternative trading organizations, founded in 1998 by Tristan Lecomte [fr] in France,[1] and followed by Mathieu Senard and Eduoard Rollet in the United States, and Ilse Keijzer in Australia.

The resultant IMPLEMENT intervention was delivered via two facilitated interactive small group workshops that were a combination of didactic lectures and small group discussions and activities. We also produced a DVD to distribute to all general practitioners (GPs) in the intervention group with the primary purpose of providing the material to those who could not attend the workshops. This alternative mode of delivering the same intervention content included film footage from the workshops and electronic resources related to acute low back pain management.

By finishing the seams the same way that they were originally done, any topstitching left on the garment will match up, and the shirt will appear unaltered. Before you put back the topstitching, adjust your machine so your straight stitch matches up with the original topstitching stitch length. It is most always very short, so make sure your stitches are also tiny. Roll up the shirt so that you will start the topstitching way up on the sleeve. I promise you can make it work!

This is a big trouble for me and I want to sew a shirt where the armholes are

nice and snug, however; I do not want to change the sleeve width.

The sleeve width is allready nice enough as it is.

So I wonder if you know how I can possibly alter

the armhole without altering the sleeve width?

I get an error telling me I can't alter a column used to calculate another, which is fair. I made it work by dropping the vector column with the index, altering the title column, and then recreating the column and index.

Generally, those on the left of the political spectrum are more open than those on the right to taking personal steps to help reduce the effects of climate change. This is particularly true in the U.S., where citizens who identify with the ideological left are more than twice as willing as those on the ideological right (94% vs. 45%) to modify how they live and work for this reason. Other countries where those on the left and right are divided over whether to alter their lives and work in response to global warming include Canada, the Netherlands, Australia and Germany.

The release of Drake and French Montana's new music video tonight didn't just bring us visuals to "No Shopping," it introduced us to the rappers' Latino alter egos, and they instantly became our new favorite people.

As for why they chose to take on Latino alter egos, Spiff TV told Billboard, "For some reason, everybody thinks Drake's Dominican and that French Montana is Puerto Rican. We wanted to give that vibe and show the world that Dominican Casa de Campo energy." e24fc04721

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