Aldine branch hcpl

Aldine branch-Photos

Learn how to use Canva free for crating this flyer below!

Technology Training classes

Aldine branch - HCPL

Our Mission: Houston Community for the Public Learning-HCPl 

We believe everyone should have free access to information and resources to straighten  and advance our communities by providing equal access to free information and resources!

Come join us and have fun!

Computers & Technology ESSENTIALS 

We offer programs and classes for all ages: todlers, children, young adults, and adults.

Come join us and have fun!

What to look for when buying a PC
SP-Que debe saber al comprar una PC.pptx

PC Mouse Essentials PC Keyboard Essentials 

Anatomy of a Mouse.ppt
Pre #1- Navigating the Keyboard.ppt

Some helpful short-cuts to make your computer skills more efficient!