Who Can Access Services?

People with ALS, their caregivers and family are eligible for our services after they register with us. To be eligible for registration as a person with ALS you must be a resident of Prince Edward Island and diagnosed with ALS.

Our services are funded largely through our annual WALK TO END ALS, third party events and individual donations. Your donations help the ALS Society of PEI and ALS Canada to improve the quality of life for those affected by ALS while keeping alive the hope of finding a treatment and cure.

You may request a registration form or print it from the link below. To register, fill out the form and return it by mail or call 902-439-1600 to arrange a visit. Registration is free and the information you provide will be kept confidential.  We encourage everyone diagnosed with ALS to register. Registration allows you to use our services and helps to strengthen our ability to represent the needs of all people diagnosed with ALS at community, provincial and national levels.

Our Services Include

Champs Program

The children of families living with ALS need to live life as normally as possible. Financial challenges of the disease may prevent families from enrolling children in extra-curricular activities. See application form below.

Our Services Do Not Include

At this time the ALS Society of PEI does not provide financial assistance for drug prescriptions, counselling or private home care.

Note: Equipment shall only be provided when funding/equipment is unavailable from other sources (e.g. government funding, loan cupboards, VAC and Insurance Plans). 

Downloadable forms – Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format

To view these files, you will need the Adobe Reader, available from Adobe’s Website.