Fatty acids in mountain stream food webs

Are fatty acids the key to climate change in alpine streams?



Open position for a student assistant (3 months)

The task is to compare size distributions of invertebrate populations linked to glacial influence.

this analysis can provide important insights into how different environmental factors impact the size distribution of populations and how this affects their overall health and viability. see JOBS


Fieldwork completed

The samplings in the study rivers has been completed! Now, all periphyton and invertebrate samples are being analyzed.
This summer,
we waded through many glacier-fed rivers, measured and sampled those environmental conditions that limit life in these habitats, scrubbed the periphyton from river substrates, searched for aquatic insect larvae (mostly tiny chironomids), and filtered the often dark gray water.
While doing that we could observe the retreat of the glaciers with the naked eye (they weren't covered with snow that year with tremendous consequence for the melting rates).


First introduction of the new project - Link


Funding was approved by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)


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