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Heritage Open Days in Alnwick will go ahead.

After careful consideration, the National Organisers have decided to move forward with Heritage Open Day events. We will follow their lead. Heritage Open Days will go ahead here in Alnwick, as they will elsewhere, with some changes.

The following arrangements will differ from our original announcements.

Astounding inventions:

  • The display of Astounding Inventions will now be held in Northumberland Hall, rather than the Mechanics' Institute. Details <here>.

Exhibition by Heritage Organisations

  • In Northumberland Hall - an opportunity to meet with Heritage Organisations, learn more about their work, and perhaps get involved. Details <here>.

Methodist Church

  • The Mehodist Church will now be open. Alnwick Methodist Church spans over 200 years of Methodist Heritage. The church still displays the John Wesley 18th Century pulpit. More details <here>.

Masonic Hall - update

The following lectures will be in the Masonic Hall <details>

  • 10:30 The Chevy Chase Sideboard

  • 11:15 History of The Masonic Hall

  • 13:30 History of The Masonic Hall

  • 14:15 The Chevy Chase Sideboard

There will be a display stand and representation from Provincial Grand Lodge explaining Freemasonry in Northumberland and their charitable works. Members of the public are welcome to look at the boards and talk to any Brethren present about Freemasonry in the town and if their ancestors were masons.

Baptist Church

  • Alnwick Baptist Church will not be opening for Heritage Open Days this year.

Guided tours

  • If you have read about exploring the formation of Alnwick’s unique townscape and the last resting-place of figures who made a lasting impact on the story of Alnwick, then please note. These refer to various guided walks - not Bailiffgate Museum. Check the <Tours> page for more details.