

Through weekly literary readings at the Midtown Scholar Bookstore's Internet Cafe, special event readings, poetry slams, workshops, and publications, the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel seeks to grow and enhance awareness of Pennsylvania's literary and artistic community.


Our Poetry Thursdays reading series celebrated its fifteenth-year anniversary in 2014. That series, a cartel mainstay since 1999, began in a small coffeehouse called Sweet Passions on 3rd Street, in Midtown, near Nick's Cafe, and continued through numerous downtown venues.

In September 2012, the Scholar's Internet Cafe hosted Harrisburg's Central PA Local Poetry month with 12 spotlight features--3 each Thursday--to celebrate our latest venue. Featured performers included a star-studded roster of Central Pennsylvania voices such as Cecil Brooks, Marty Esworthy, Jack Veasey, Shaashawn Dial, Christian Thiede, Maria James-Thiaw, Rick Kearns, Julia Tilley, and Christine O'Leary- Rockey, along with fresh/exciting versifiers like Anna Jane, Roger Cowden, and John Destalo.

Versification scientists have ascertained that all the poems we've read, every week, over our storied history, if laid end-to-end, could stretch to the moon and back.

Seriously--do the math!

When & Where

Poetry events, all open to the public, are happening every Thursday at the Midtown Scholar Bookstore, 1302 North Third Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102. More info: (717) 236-1680.

The Harrisburg Midtown area is experiencing an incredible cultural Renaissance and, by golly, we're excited and proud to be part of it. You come too. Join us, play your part of an special time in literary history.

Our reading is free and open to the public. Read out loud, taste the words, share your favorite poets, or your own original poetry or prose.

Listen, read. Engage. C'mon-- join in the excitement. We need your spirit, your voice, your support, to continue this trek. Our twenty-year anniversary is just around the corner (in 2019). Don't miss it, seating is limited!

See you Thursday!? Everything's waiting for you.