Master Timeline: College Admission

Junior Year, Fall (September to November)

  • Take the PSAT—Take the PSAT as a junior to practice for the SAT and qualify for the National Merit Scholarship program

  • Prepare for the SAT-Begin preparing for the SATat the start of junior year. It is a good idea to take a full length practice test of each, and use the results to help you decide which test is best for you.

  • Learn more about colleges—Use online search tools, attend college fairs, speak with college reps, and ask friends already in college for their thoughts on different colleges to begin formulating an opinion of where you want to go. Continue this process throughout junior and senior years. College Board has created a great resource for your college search at BigFuture.

Search and apply for non-traditional scholarships (those available before you are a senior in high school)

Junior Year, Winter (December to February)

  • Take the SAT—Take the SAT for the first time in the winter of junior year. Most students do better their second time, so plan to test again in the spring of junior year or fall of senior year. If you are worried about the cost of the test, ask your guidance counselor for a fee waiver!

  • Take SAT Subject Tests for courses ending in the Fall—SAT Subject Tests, which are required for some colleges, are best taken immediately after you've taken the relevant class and while the material is still fresh.

  • Start developing your list of target colleges—Identify 10 to 15 colleges of interest with the goal of having several schools at varying levels of selectivity.

  • If possible, set up appointments to visit and speak with representatives at your target colleges—Call ahead to admissions offices of colleges you want to visit. Note that certain colleges offer "fly-in" programs to cover the cost of travel for students with financial needs. Continue setting up appointments throughout junior and senior year, but don't worry if it's not possible for you to visit your target colleges. College Board provides a helpful campus visit guide at BigFuture.

Search for traditional scholarships—Once you are midway through your junior year, it's time to begin searching for more traditional scholarships that are specifically made available to students in their senior year of high school. Continue searching throughout junior and senior year. College Board provides financial aid tips at BigFuture.

Junior Year, Spring (March to May)

  • Take the SAT—If you feel like you can improve on your initial winter SAT results, take the SAT for the second time in the spring of the junior year.

  • Take AP Exams—AP Exams, which provide an opportunity to earn college credit, are offered each year in May.

Junior Year, Summer (June to August)

  • If possible, visit target colleges—If possible, travel to top target colleges the summer after junior year to visit dorms, classes, and recreation centers. Check individual college websites for details on info sessions, tour times, and interview opportunities.

  • Determine the application deadlines for each of your target schools—Early decision and early action applications are typically due in November of your senior year, while most regular admissions applications are due between January 1 and March 1. The Common App, usually available at the beginning of August, will consolidate the deadlines for you.

  • Begin preparing for your interview—Research the colleges where you plan to apply, identify those that may offer optional interviews, and begin practicing for the interviews with an available teacher or friend.

  • Begin drafting college application essays—Senior year is very busy, so the summer after junior year is a great time to begin college application essays.

  • Identify potential teachers to provide recommendation letters—During the summer after junior year, begin identifying potential recommenders. These should be teachers from your core classes (math, science, history, English, or world languages) who know you best.

  • Prepare materials for your teachers’ letters of recommendation—Prepare a few bullet points for your teachers, explaining why you chose them as recommenders and how you believe you excelled academically in their classes.

  • Outline your financial aid plan—Use the financial aid calculators found on individual college websites, also known as net price calculators, to determine how much your family will need to contribute to your college education. Create a list of all the financial aid options you plan to pursue along with the deadlines for each.

  • Apply for traditional scholarships—Many seniors apply to more than 30 scholarships. Don't shy away from local options or ones that require essays. Since fewer students apply for these, you often have a better chance. Begin applying between junior and senior year and continue throughout the school year.

More information about each of these topics can be found at BigFuture.