
Academic Life

李維倫 Wei-lun Lee


Assistant Professor of Economics, Tunghai University

Email: allengix@thu.edu.tw

109-1 開設課程

Office Hour

  • 周二 13:10 - 15:00

  • 周四 10:20 - 12:10

研究興趣 Research Interests


Applied microeconomics, Labor economics, Education economics, Inequality and mobility

學歷 Education

  • 國立台灣大學經濟學博士
    Ph.D. in Economics, National Taiwan University

  • 國立台灣大學經濟學碩士
    M.A. in Economics, National Taiwan University

  • 國立台灣大學工商管理學系企業管理組學士
    B.S. in Business Administration, National Taiwan University

經歷 Experience

  • 助理教授,東海大學經濟學系,2020.8 - present
    Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Tunghai University

  • 博士後研究,國立台灣大學經濟學系,2018.8 - 2020.7
    Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Economics, National Taiwan University

期刊論文 Publication

標註 * 為通訊作者 (* indicates the corresponding author)

  • 李維倫*、古慧雯、駱明慶與林明仁(2020),入學管道與學習表現,《經濟論文叢刊》,48:1,頁 31—76 (Wei-lun Lee*, Hui-wen Koo, Ming-Ching Luoh and Ming-Jen Lin (2019), “Multi-channel Admission and Academic Achievement,” Taiwan Economic Review, 48:1, pp. 31 - 76)

會議論文 Conference Paper

標註 * 為通訊作者 (* indicates the corresponding author)

  • Wei-lun Lee, Ming-Jen Lin, Hsuan-Li Su*, and Yi-Chan Tsai (2019), “Income Inequality, Growth Inequality, and Redistribution in Taiwan, 2001-2015: Evidence from Distributional National Account,” 2019 Taiwan Economic Association Annual Conference, Taiwan Economic Association

  • 李維倫*、古慧雯(2007),日治時期台灣笞刑之研究:以竊盜罪為例,2007 年科際整合法學研討會,國立台灣大學法律學院科際整合法學研究所、刑事法學中心 (Wei-lun Lee*, Hui-wen Koo (2007), “A Study of Bastinado in Taiwan under the Japanese Rule: Taking Larceny as an Example,” 2007 Conference of Inter-discipline and Law, Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, National Taiwan University)

教學 Teaching

獲獎 Honor and Award

  • 台灣銀行經濟金融論文獎博士組銅獎,2019
    Ph.D. Dissertation Award, Bronze Prize, Economics and Finance Dissertation Award, Bank of Taiwan

  • 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會榮譽會員,2018
    Honorary Membership, Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the ROC

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