All Downloader

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: January 24, 2024

All Downloader - Privacy Policy

Welcome to All Downloader!

1. Introduction

1.1 This Privacy Policy ("Policy") applies to Users ("You" or "Users") of our All Video Downloader Apps ("Apps"). It is essential to read this Policy together with any other privacy policies or fair processing policies We may provide on specific occasions so that You are fully aware of when, why, and how We collect and process your personal data. If You disagree with this Policy in whole or part, You have the right to terminate using our Apps at any time.

1.2 All Downloader ("We") takes Users' privacy very seriously and is committed to protecting and respecting Users' privacy. This commitment drives all decisions We make, including how We collect, use, share, store, and respect Users' personal data.

1.3 All Downloader reserves the right to amend this Policy or related agreements at any time without notice, which shall take effect and apply immediately. If You disagree, You have the right to stop the Services agreed herein. Once the changes of our agreements have been published, You, by continuing to use All Downloader Services, are deemed to have fully read, understood, and accepted the changed agreements and shall abide by such agreements.

4. Please note that this Policy does not apply to the below-mentioned cases:

- Any information or personal data collected by any third-party services, products, applications, websites, and/or platforms, regardless of whether they are accessible through our Apps; or

- Any information or personal data collected by other companies or institutions that provide advertising services through our Apps.

In such circumstances, You should refer directly to the Privacy Policies for the relevant third party.

2. Data Controller and Data Processor

2.1 All Downloader is both the data controller and data processor, determining the purposes and methods of the data processing concerning your personal data collected by us. If You have any questions, You can contact All Downloader at

3. Personal Data We Collect

3.1 Personal data means any information that identifies a particular natural person, such as name, email address, phone number, identification number, location data, or an online identifier, etc. It does not include data where the identity has been removed (anonymous data).

Generally, We DO NOT require You to create an account on our Apps; therefore, We DO NOT collect personal data from You when You download and/or use our Apps. Also, We DO NOT track your browsing history.

3.2 When You use our services, We automatically collect information about the device You use to access our services and your usage of our services. The information We collect may include (where available) the type and model of the device(s) You use, the device's unique device identifier, operating system, language options, and mobile network information. We use this information to administer our services and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical, and survey purposes, to improve our services.

3.3 PLEASE NOTE THAT our services require access to your device's storage application to store completed videos, but We do not take any information, videos, photos, or other content from your device's video storage application. To fully experience our services, You should enable us to access permissions in your phone, such as record, camera, microphone, location, etc. You can also disable such access permission in the settings of your phone if You do not think it's necessary.

3.4 All features and services within the Apps don't require the collection of face data. We guarantee that face data will not be collected, used, stored, and shared.

3.5 PLEASE NOTE THAT unless otherwise expressed in this Policy, We DO NOT collect and/or store any of your personal data (such as your social platform account password, credit card information) in any circumstances, including but not limited to:

- when You log in to your personal account of Instagram and its relevant Apps for downloading;

- when You allow us to access your photo album, local folder, or cloud storage on your device(s);

- when You repost to any social platform through our Apps;

- when You download or watch or save data by our Apps;

- when You subscribe to our service on our Apps or Google Play.

4. How We Use Your Personal Data

4.1 We will use the personal data We collect about You in accordance with the laws of applicable jurisdictions in the following ways:

- To enter into and perform our contract with You, or to perform any steps You require from us before entering into a contract with You;

- To communicate with You, including but not limited to responding to your request for any help with our services or for exercising your rights with respect to your personal data;

- To provide You with the services You request;

- To pursue our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) where your interests and fundamental rights do not override those legitimate interests of ours (or any third party's), such as:

1) to understand, improve, optimize and develop our services;

2) to conduct research and monitor the quality of our services;

3) to enforce our Terms of Use; or

4) to respond to complaints, hearings, arbitrations, lawsuits, or other governmental or regulatory proceedings.

- To comply with our legal obligations under relevant laws, regulations, and orders (including subpoenas), injunctions, or any other legal documents issued by the court or competent governmental or regulatory authorities.

4.2 All Downloader DOES NOT share, sell, rent, or trade information (unless it has been anonymized or de-identified) with third parties for their own promotional purposes.

4.3 Our service includes and links to features and services (including but not limited to, social applications like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp) that are provided by a third party. We do not control such third-party sites or services and are not responsible for the content or functionality of such sites or services. Our inclusion of links does not imply any endorsement or association with their operators. The terms applicable to the use of such third party services will apply, and We will not be responsible for anything that is done by You or the third-party service provider in connection with your use of their service. Please note that We do not keep your private personal information like your account, ID, password and etc. on the third-party apps/websites in our services.

5. If You Fail to Provide Personal Data

5.1 If You fail to provide the personal data as requested where We need to collect such personal data by law, under the terms of a contract We have with You, to enter into a contract with You, or to provide You with the services, We may not be able to perform the contract We have or are trying to enter into with You, or to provide You with, in part or in a whole, certain features or the services that You request.

6. Your Rights and Controls

6.1 You have rights under applicable data protection law in relation to our use of your personal data, including:

- Data Access. You have the right to request access to your personal data;

- Rectification. You have the right to update or amend your personal data if it is inaccurate or incomplete;

- Objection. You have the right to object to certain uses of your personal data, including direct marketing, processing based on legitimate interests, and processing for purposes of scientific or historical research and statistics, on grounds relating to your particular situation;

- Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy and will notify you of changes.

- Contact Us

For questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

By using our All Downloader you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you disagree with these terms, please refrain from using the App