
I soared through the skies and watched as night and day chased one another. I traveled long and far and as such I thought back to my rest on Mainaka and how thankful I was for it. As these thoughts amongst many ran through my head I saw it: the peak of Lanka cresting over the waves in the distance. As it drew near I began my descent. A female figure stood as if surrounded by a cloud and as I got closer I could hear a thunderous laugh coming from within. She was posed as if she were guarding the city at its entrance. I was tired and not in the mood for another battle with a demoness. I thought to attack first and ask questions later. I crashed into the earth before her and was about to strike...

I have traveled long and hard from far away.

I am tired of battling demons along the way.

If you have any last words you should say them now!

I shall make it quick to you this I vow.

Hero, I am not who you think I am.

I am the embodiment of Lanka: just a lamb.

Just as you conquered those before me,

You have also defeated all demons completely.

I am here to guide you into the city to the one you seek.

I wish to bless you for being strong even when you felt weak.

I was amazed by this gesture from a demon no less. Regardless I did not believe her but I left her in one piece and began searching Ravana's compound for Sita. I searched through the night and to no avail could I find my slender-bodied matron. I was enraged and returned to the demoness who called herself Lankini.

You have returned to me because you cannot see

That your matron, so lovely, is now a fruited tree.

An old spell was cast upon her person,

Only to be broken by true love's kiss or it will worsen.

Her words dawned on me that I may have come here for no reason at all. Even though my plight was tough I cannot rescue SitaMata. My journey was done in vain. And then she spoke some truth to me.

Little monkey you've done just as you were supposed to.

Now Rama's journey to Lanka will be nil because of you!

There will be no demons or trials to stand in his way.

But he must get her before the second full moon or Sita will sleep for all her days.

This I tell you because Ravana wants you know not

I shall also bless you for all that you've wrought.

With Lankini's blessings and the knowledge of how to wake Sita I began my journey home to where Rama awaited. I flew faster than I ever had before. I felt the full weight of the blessings from Surasa and Lankini. There was also a piercing wind blowing from behind propelling me through the sky; I muttered a great thanks to my father under my breath.

I reached Rama and gave a retelling of the events I had encountered. Rama with many thanks also blessed me and asked if I would once more take a leap, in a larger form, with him on my back. I agreed and for one last time took a great leap to Lanka...

Hanuman's Note:

I chose to end the story here because after that point you know how it goes: Rama comes for Sita, he wakes her with a kiss and they lived happily ever after. The funny thing is back in the 17th century I met this kid named Charlie and he had heard of my epicness so I decided to fill him in on the real story of what happened and he stole it! Charlie's stolen version I was very mad at him and he ended up apologizing and now here we are and lots of people have stolen it, oh well.

Also as you can see some things are a bit different from Valmiki's version of the Ramayana. For one he left out the part that Sita had been turned into a tree. Valmiki never really cared for Sita all that much so he in his own story said she was as stubborn and rooted as a tree and would not return without Rama. What he left out was that she couldn't return because she was an actual tree. It's a crazy turn of events for sure. Even though I felt I had done this all for nothing, Lankini was right: I was destined to clear the path for Rama so he could get to Sita before the 2nd full moon and awake her or she would sleep forever. I hope you all enjoyed my version of the events, I know they are different but who are you gonna believe the guy that was there or the wannabe who wishes he was?! Hahaha. I'm just kidding. That's just some good old monkey deity humor. Anyways thanks for reading my stories and make sure to give some love to David for helping me out! David's Epic Comment Wall

Now a Note from David:

Hey guys, thanks for following Hanuman's adventures. I remember when he first approached me about wanting some help getting his perspective out there on such momentous events that took place in the Ramayana. He was so excited and talking a million miles a minute and he finished it with "and I know you'll help me because you're obsessed with me and my stories!" And he was not wrong whatsoever. We decided to show you the real story because he was upset that Sita was portrayed as stubborn and felt it was very out of character for her based on everything we had read in the Ramayana. The whole time she was this unconditionally devoted and loving figure to Rama and all of a sudden she won't return to him because he didn't come for her...? Didn't make sense and it made Hanuman mad so of course we had to put it in there. Thanks again for reading our stories, good luck and keep looking up!


Valmiki. “Sundara Kanda.” Valmiki Ramayana - Sundara Kanda, July 2006, Valmiki Ramayana .

Hanuman attacks Lankini

Rama, Sita, and Hanuman