Curriculum in Action

MLK Day Workshop at the Carver Museum

January 14th, 2023

Workshop Lesson Plan

Access GoogleSlides here.

  1. 12:30 -12:45: sign in, color at seats while we wait for the group

    • introductions:

        • name

        • school and grade level

        • favorite thing to do on the weekends

        • what is social studies like at your school?

    • bathroom directions, snacks, expectations (small group, don't need to raise your hand!)

  2. 12:45-1:00: intro activity: what do you know about Martin Luther King Jr.? Draw a picture. Share pictures with the group.

    • What do our pictures have in common?

    • Why do we sometimes learn incomplete stories in school? What might be missing from the stories we've been taught?

    • What questions do we have about Dr. King?

  3. 1:00-1:30/45: read aloud, students can each follow along with their own copy of the book, students may respond to questions orally or with sticky notes (can keep the notes inside their books)

  4. 1:30 - 2:00: Inquiry into working conditions for sanitation workers.

    • Students work in partners, provide each pair with an envelope with all sources and questions written on the envelope.

      • Students respond to questions in their notebooks.

      • Students can summarize their learning through creating a one pager.

  5. 2:00-2:15: Break

  6. 2:15-2:45: Dr. King and Economic Justice for the Working Poor: Who was Dr. King? Was he really a singular hero on a mission to end segregation?

      • Students work in partners, provide each pair with an envelope with all sources and questions written on the envelope.

        • Students respond to questions in their notebooks.

        • Students can summarize their learning through creating a one pager OR found poetry

  7. 2:45-3:30: Showcasing our learning

    • Found Poetry OR

    • Students revisit their drawings from the beginning of the workshop and create new ones

    • Collage materials available (sources, glue, markers, scissors)

    • Share with group after creating