*Our 2025 Hours *
April 12th : Saturday 0900-5pm
{EMAIL US: care@all-access-care.com}
Taking appointments for this date now !
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May 10th : Saturday 0900-5pm
June 14th: Saturday 0900-5pm
July 12th : Saturday 0900-5pm
August 9th : Saturday 0900-5pm
Sept 13th : Saturday 0900-5pm
Oct 11th : Saturday 0900-5pm
Nov 8th : Saturday 0900-5pm
Dec 13th : Saturday 0900-5pm
Patient Instructions
Arrival: Please arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment.
Exam Time: You make schedule a DATE, next your paperwork needs to be submitted and approved prior to your date, once completed you will be given a time. Expect your exam to take up to 2 hours.
Approval: Submit all your paperwork for appointment approval via email to: care@all-access-care.com
Paperwork: Bring a valid photo ID, the Medical Examination Report (MCSA-5875), and the Medical Examiner’s Certificate (MCSA-5876).
Medications: There is optional form for listing medications for DOT exams called the 391.41 CMV Driver Medication Form, MCSA-5895. This form requests additional information regarding medications prescribed by the treating physician and helps medical examiners determine if a driver is medically qualified
Clothing: Wear comfortable clothing and bring shorts and t shirt for the exam.
What to Bring:
Bring a list of your current medications, dosages, pharmacy name and contact information for your prescribing doctors.
Your glasses or contacts
Your hearing aids
A complete list of your surgeries
Limit your caffeine, energy drinks, salt and cigarette smoking prior to your exam
Do you have high blood pressure?
Your blood pressure must read BELOW 140/90 to qualify for your DOT card per regulations.
Be sure to take your blood pressure medication.
Are you a Diabetic?
You must bring your completed A1C (HbA1C) within 3 months of the exam.
If you take insulin, you must have your PCP/Specialist fill out form MCSA-5870 (found on the internet or on this site) before your exam and within 45 days of the exam. Bring this form with you.
Do you take medications that cause sedation, drowsiness or a controlled substance (narcotics, etc.)?
You must bring form MCSA-5895 (found on the internet) completed by the prescribing physician.
Are you being treated for obstructive sleep apnea? Do you have a CPAP machine?
Bring a current reading from your CPAP machine to ensure proper usage of machine
Have you had any heart related issues (including stents, pacemakers, heart attack, arrhythmia, open heart surgery)?
Bring a letter from your specialist/cardiologist regarding your heart related condition and your ability to drive commercially
Some heart related conditions require periodic monitoring that could include a stress test, EKG, or echocardiogram every 1-2 years, if you have had any of these tests within the last 2 years, please bring these results.
Do you have a seizure disorder? Have you had s stroke? Have you had a brain disorder or bleeding on the brain?
Bring a letter from your neurologist/specialist with your medical history, treatment and current neurological and mental state.
IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, Email Us: care@all-access-care.com