Selected publications

After a long period of intense work, we have launched our special issue on Digital Humanities and East Asian Studies in the International Journal of Digital Humanities co-edited with Dr. Hilde De Weerdt. You can now find ten excellent articles, accompanied by our introduction (Volume 4, Issue 1-3) on the journal's website here:

The introduction can be accessed here directly:

The issue also includes my single-authored piece, "DH in Japanese studies, Japanese studies in DH: Recent trends, tools, and concepts" (open access):

“Digital Brush Talk: Challenges and Potential Connections in East Asian Digital Research.” In: Fiormonte, Domenico, Paola Ricaurte Quijano, and Sukanta Chaudhuri, eds. Global Debates in the Digital Humanities. University of Minnesota Press. 127-140.

Available on Project Muse:
on Jstor:
From the University of Minnesota Press:
and on Amazon:

“Finding the Self through the Other: The Role of Rituals in the Dai Nihonshi (The History of Great Japan).” Studies on Asia Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): 44-54. * Winner of the Percy Buchanan Graduate Prize for the Best Paper in the Northeast Asia Category

Available open access here:

“Enhancing Language Sensitivity in Digital Humanities: Towards Inclusivity and Multilingualism. Includes Interviews with Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra and Cosima Wagner.” Modern Languages Open, (1), Digital Modern Languages Special Launch Issue. 2021.

Available open access here:

“Timeless Relevance: How Humanista: The Podcast Promotes the Humanities Globally.” Invited contribution to the OPERAS-P Project (Open Scholarly Communication in the European Research Area for SSH-Preparation.) WP7: Communication, Outreach and Advocacy, Advocacy Guide (in conjunction with the OPERAS Conference on promoting the Humanities and the Social Sciences). (October 2020), 14-16.

OpenMethods Spotlights #1: Interview with Hilde De Weerdt about MARKUS. OpenMethods. (October 13, 2020)

The Japanese translation of the interview was published here:

Horváth, Alíz and Hilde De Weerdt. (Kikuchi Nobuhiko trans.) [MARKUS kaihatsu ni tsuite Hirude De Weeruto kyōju ni kiitemita Higashi Ajia DH pōtaru] MARKUS開発についてヒルデ・デ・ウィールト教授に聞いてみた. 東アジアDHポータル. (October 28, 2020)

Solicited review of Yuanchong Wang’s Remaking the Chinese Empire: Manchu-Korean Relations, 1616-1911 (Ithaka, NY: Cornell University Press, 2018) for English Historical Review. Vol. 135, Issue 575, August 2020, 1035-1036.

“Masaoka Shiki világa: Re/view-Inter/view” [The World of Masaoka Shiki: Re/view - Inter/view.”] Review of Robert Tuck’s Idly Scribbling Rhymers: Poetry, Print, and Community in Nineteenth-Century Japan (Columbia UP, 2018) and Interview with Adrienn Czifra, translator of Masaoka Shiki’s 120 haiku poems (Napkút Kiadó, 2020, in Hungarian). Távol-Keleti Tanulmányok: 2020/2: 215-220. (in Hungarian)

Review of Thijs Weststeijn (ed.) Foreign Devils and Philosophers: Cultural Encounters between the Chinese, the Dutch, and Other Europeans, 1590-1800 (Leiden: Brill, 2020) for the International Institute for Asian Studies. The Newsletter 90 (2021): 27.

Also available here:

Review of Nadine Amsler’s Jesuits and Matriarchs: Domestic Worship in Early Modern China (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2018) for the International Institute for Asian Studies. In: 2020

“The Faces of the Unknown: A Frenchman’s Adventures in Late Imperial China.” (Review of Alfred Raquez’s translated diary, entitled “In the Land of Pagodas: A Classic Account of Travel in Hong Kong, Macao, Shanghai, Hubei, Hunan and Guizhou.” International Institute for Asian Studies The Newsletter 80, no. 3 (Summer 2018): 46. 

Also available here:

“Varieties of Modern Hungarian Haiku: Six Poems by Ákos Fodor (1945-2015).” In: Inventory. No.9. 22-27. 

“The Representation of Japanese-Korean Colonial Relations in the Hungarian Print Media (1910-1945)” Contribution to the multi-year Area Studies Excellence Program Framework “Community-building: Family and Nation, Tradition and Innovation” at the East Asian Institute of Eötvös Loránd University – Forthcoming in 2023

“Imagined Realities: Spectacle and Horror in the Image of Colonial Taiwan in the Hungarian Print Media (1895-1945)” Contribution to the Area Studies Excellence Program Framework “Community-building: Family and nation, tradition and innovation” Year 3: “Reality, utopia, and dystopia: Community formation through invented tradition” Forthcoming in 2023.

"Centering Multilingual Users: Thinking through UX Personas in the DH Community" with Cornelis van Lit, Cosima Wagner, and David Joseph Wrisley. Digital Studies/Le champs numérique, 2023. Forthcoming. DOI:

"Towards Multilingually Enabled Digital Knowledge Infrastructures - A Survey Analysis" with Cornelis van Lit, Cosima Wagner, and David Joseph Wrisley. Forthcoming in Multilingual DH (edited by Lorella Viola and Paul Spence for Routledge)

Anonymous reviewer for Digital Humanities Quarterly, International Journal of Digital Humanities, Modern Languages Open, Asian Studies, Acta Orientalia, and Távol-keleti Tanulmányok/Journal of East Asian Cultures

Co-guest editor of a special issue on Digital Humanities and East Asian studies for the International Journal of Digital Humanities with Hilde De Weerdt 

Core Editorial Team Member for the DARIAH-EU OpenMethods Project

Member of the OPERAS Special Interest Groups for Advocacy 

Editorial Board Member for Asia Pacific Perspectives (2022- Present)