
[Book chapterS]


Scientific career & Education


Professional experience

Laboratory: CreaTeam, FrontLab, Paris Brain Institute (ICM)

Laboratory: CreaTeam, FrontLab, Paris Brain Institute (ICM)


Laboratory: Sallet lab and Rushworth Lab, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK

Project: Morphological and functional connectivity investigation of the Orbito-Medial Prefrontal Cortex, a key component of the Brain Valuation System.


Laboratory: Motivation, Brain and Behavior team with Mathias Pessiglione, Institut du Cerveau (ICM, Paris Brain Institute), Paris, France

Thesis project: The Brain Valuation System and its role in decision-making. PhD thesis.


Laboratory: Motivation, Brain and Behavior team with Mathias Pessiglione and Jean Daunizeau, Institut du Cerveau (ICM), Paris, France

Dissertation title: Comparing behavioral measures of subjective value.




Invited presentations



Organisation of international conferences









 Student supervision



Public engagement
