How to get a flatter belly

Do you suffer from weight gain around your belly? Well here we will talk about some ways you can lose that extra fat. Unfortunately belly fat is often harder to lose than other parts of your body. It is also bad for your health. It is harder to shift belly fat because it has a higher amount of fat cells that don't respond to the fat breakdown process. There are a lot of reasons why you may have belly fat, some include poor diet, stress, lack of exercise, alcohol, menopause, genetics or even bad sleeping habits.

Processed foods. Processed foods should not be your choice of food. Processed food is full of everything that you don't want to put in your body. Processed food is largely made of refined carbohydrates and sugar. Processed foods are a big contributor to belly fat. Start eating healthier fresher foods and stay away from processed. Not only is fresh food way more appealing to the eye, it will do your body so much better. Eating a healthy diet can help lower your risk of some diseases as well.

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Watching your calories. Yes I know that sounds boring but if you want to lose belly fat then you need to know how many calories you are putting into your body. You need to be burning more calories than you are consuming. By counting calories it will make you aware of how many calories you are consuming each day. By using an online calculator it can help you determine how many calories your body needs to lose weight based on your age, height, activity level, sex and your weight loss goals. To make things a little easier to keep track of your calories maybe consider downloading an app.

Eat more protein. Eating more protein will help you to lose some of that belly fat by increasing your muscle mass and to help you to burn off more calories and feel fuller and more satisfied. Eating more protein also helps maintain a regular digestive system . some high protein foods are

: EGGS are a great source of protein with one egg containing about 7 grams of protein.

: BEEF offers a high amount of protein per serving.

: CHICKEN BREAST for a lean and highest protein choose grilled skinless chicken breast.

: PEANUTS a 30 grams serving of peanuts has around 7 grams of protein.

: SALMON is nice and versatile and makes an excellent protein rich addition to your meals.

: LENTILS half a cup of cooked lentils provides around 9g of protein.

Walking quickly. Going for a brisk walk for about only 30 minutes is a great way to help burn that belly fat. As long as your walk is brisk enough that you work up a sweat and gets your heart pumping, it is a good way to lose that stubborn belly fat. Bit more fun than crunches and 30 minutes really isn't that long. Walk with a friend and just chat along the way, you will be finished your 30 minute workout in no time. Take your dog for a walk and you will be achieving two things at once. whenever possible to get to wherever it is you want to go choose to walk instead of driving. Double bonus as it will also save petrol. To increase the intensity and burn even more calories try walking up hill.

Stop stressing. Stress is a good way to PUT ON belly fat so chill out and relax. When you are stressed your body releases cortisol and it can impact your metabolism. Cortisol causes excess calories to remain around your belly and other areas for later use. Does stressing actually solve your problems and make them go away anyway? Nope. So stress less and try some meditation, yoga, go for a brisk walk or learn how to change your mindset. Start saying no to people. You don't need to please everyone. keep some time for yourself. Stop dwelling on the past. It doesn't change anything all it does is make your body and emotions re-live the past all over again. Take a bath. When I am feeling stressed I like to relax for a while in a bath.

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Sleep. Oh how easy is that? You need to make sure you get the right amount of sleep every night. Get around 6 to 7 hours of sleep and combined with everything else you are doing to help get rid of stomach fat you will be on your way to a flatter tummy . Try to not use your phone or laptop in bed as that is only going to keep you wide eyed and hard for you to fall asleep. Try not to drink coffee later in the day. Caffeine will only stimulate your nervous system and keep you awake at night. Keep a regular bedtime. Make a habit of going to sleep around the same time every night as this will program the internal body clock to get used to a set routine. After eating your evening meal let it digest for 2 to 3 hours before going to bed. Dim the lights and wind down before going to bed.

Drink less alcohol. Too much alcohol can lead to excess fat around your waist. Alcohol is often empty calories. That means that alcohol provides your body with calories but contains very little nutrients. A typical beer has around 150 calories so if you drink a few in one sitting you will end up with a calorie overload. When your drinking alcohol your liver burns alcohol instead of fat. Alcohol also makes you eat more. Alcohol increases your appetite and you usually end up wanting to eat things like pizza, hamburgers and all those other wrong choices.

I hope this has helped or given you some ideas as how to tackle that belly fat. Thanks for reading

written by jodie warry

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