

I organise the SDU Operator Algebras Seminar with Are Austad

I organised the Glasgow Operator Algebras Working Seminar from Oct 2020 to June 2021. 

I co-organised the Glasgow Late August Symbolic Dynamics, Groups, and Operators Workshop held in August 2022.


Functoriality of the homology and operator K-theory of a groupoid - Quantum symmetries workshop, Warsaw, Poland, 2024.

Ample groupoid homology and étale correspondences - UiO C*-seminar, Oslo, Norway, 2024.

Groupoid correspondences, homology and K-theory - KU SDU Operator Algebras Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2023.

Groupoid correspondences, homology and K-theory - Twinned conference on C*-algebras and tensor categories, Edinburgh, UK, 2023.

Correspondences, K-theory and homology for étale groupoids - Fields Institute Operator Algebras Seminar, Toronto, Canada, 2023.

Groupoid correspondences, homology and K-theory - YMC*A, Leuven, Belgium, 2023.

Groupoid correspondences, homology and K-theory - Wollongong OANCG Seminar, Wollongong, Australia, 2023 - online.

Homology of ample groupoids - Operator Algebras Seminar, Odense, Denmark, 2023.

Groupoid correspondences, homology and K-theory - Operator Algebras Seminar, Odense, Denmark, 2022.

K-theory for étale groupoid C*-algebras via groupoid correspondences - Operator Algebras Seminar, Oslo, Norway, 2022.

Groupoid correspondences and the ABC spectral sequence - YMC*A 2021, Münster, Germany - online.

Groupoid correspondences and the ABC spectral sequence - QMUL PGR Day 2021, London, UK - online.

Topological groupoids and their C*-algebras - WOMPS, Coventry, UK, 2021 -online.

Hilbert C*-modules and Morita equivalence - Glasgow Operator Algebras Working Seminar, Glasgow, UK, 2021 - four weeks of the seminar - online.

K-theory for independent ample groupoids - UK Virtual Operator Algebras Christmas Party, UK, 2020 - online.

Introduction to K-theory for C*-algebras - QMUL C*-algebras Working Seminar, London, UK, 2019.

Topological groups and Pontryagin duality - QUIPS, London, UK, 2019.

Conferences and workshops

Glasgow Late August Symbolic Dynamics, Groups, and Operators Workshop, Glasgow, UK, 2022.

Noncommutativity in the North, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2022.

YMC*A 2021, Münster, Germany - online.

BMC 2021, Glasgow, UK - online.

C*-algebras and K-theory, Honolulu, US, 2019.

Equilibrium States in Semigroup Theory, K-theory and Number Theory, Oslo, Norway, 2019.

YMC*A 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Groupoids and Operator Algebras, Orleans, France, 2019.

BMC 2019, Lancaster, UK.


Glasgow Operator Algebras Working Seminar - Glasgow, UK, 2020-2021 - online.

Glasgow Analysis Seminar - Glasgow, UK, 2020-2021 - online.

UK Virtual Operator Algebras Seminar - UK, 2020-2021 - online.

Groups, Operators and Banach Algebras - UK, 2020-2021 - online.

QMUL C*-algebra Working Seminar - London, UK, 2019.