Newfoundland (2016)

Tectonic Problems Field Trip led by John Dewey and Jack Casey

(Left) At the type locality for the Cambrian-Ordovician Boundary. (Right) Looking at meta-basalts with John Dewey. (Bottom) Behr Research Group members near the Cambrian-Ordovician Boundary. 

San Francisco, CA (2016)

Undergraduate Honors Field Trip to the Franciscan (accompanied as a TA) led by Mark Cloos

(Left) Pillow basalts near San Luis Obispo, CA. (Right) View along Highway 1

Syros and Tinos Islands, Greece

Syros and Tinos Islands, selected photos from 2014, 2015, 2016

(Top) View of Delfini Peninsula on Syros, looking North. (Bottom left) Tinos Island scenery. (Bottom Right) Folded blueschists and eclogite pod at Kini Beach, Syros

Oman Drilling Project

Phase I Core Description in summer 2017 aboard the Chikyu in Shizuoka and Hachinohe, Japan. 

(Left) A beautiful listvenite (carbonated peridotite!) core. (Right) Working on the Core Processing Deck. (Below) View of the port in Shizuoka from the Heli Deck on the Chikyu. 

Oman (2020)

International Conference on Ophiolites and Ocean Lithosphere in Muscat (January, 2020)

(Left) A picture of me with Site BT1B of the Oman Drilling Project, drilled into the Wadi next to red-colored listvenites. This core recovered 200m of listvenites and 100m of sub-ophiolite metamorphics (subduction shear zone) separated by the 'Basal Fault'. (Right) Field transition from listvenites (red in the background) to the sub-ophiolite metamorphic rocks (i.e. the 'metamorphic sole') near Ministry Of Defense Mountain. 

(Left) Spectacular layered gabbros of the Samail Ophiolite. (Right) Really cool travertine deposits, which form as hyper-alkaline water percolates out of the ground and captures atmospheric CO2. (Below) The Grand Mosque in Muscat at sunset.