Episode II - Spain, L'Eliana

Project Portfolio


The debate we took part in was called “Human dignity in the light of European migrant crisis”. To me it was the first debate I ever prepared for. As the government group we had to think about arguments that are quite easy to understand so there won’t be misunderstandings. My part was to argue for immigrants, that come to the EU to strive for a better job, such as a doctor.

In my opinion the debate was the most interesting about that project because you got to know about conditions and people in other countries too.


The communications in Spain sometimes were difficult to understand because we all have a different accent and often we had to repeat a few times. All in all most of the times I didn’t have trouble understanding others, and I think my English got a lot better than it was before.

As a practice before flying to Spain we watched a movie called “Wonder”.

To me it was easy to understand. The preparation was to write a review about basic story of the movie, about the setup, costumes and what we liked and didn’t like.

EU & Me

The topic of the EU wasn’t really brought up often, but sometimes we did talk about our countries. It was interesting to get to know other countries too and my opinion about the EU changed positively. Before it wasn’t really my case to talk about that kind of stuff but now it got my interest and I even started to learn another language.

It was a fun week and I would definitely do it again if I had the chance to.

Film Literacy


Tried different techniques to introduce ourselves (Power Point, Stop Motion, videos)


Made a "This is me" film


Learned about "Passively versus actively watching a film"

This included settings, use of camera, costumes etc

Talked abou the vocabulary of the film "Wonder"

Watched the film "Wonder" and made notes on "Five Ws and one H"


Learned about film reviews and wrote our own review on "Wonder"

Created our own version of Mr Browne's precepts

Watched "Wonder Behind the Scenes - The Makeup"
