All my papers are available on arxiv, please see this link:

  1. "Multi-level loop equation for β-corners processes ", preprint, joint with Evgeni Dimitrov;

2. "Stationary measure for the open KPZ equation" with Ivan Corwin;

3. "Asymptotics of discrete β-corners processes via two-level discrete loop equations" with Evgeni Dimitrov, submitted;

4. "q-Racah ensemble and q-P(E^(1)_7/A^(1)_1) discrete Painlevé equation" with Anton Dzhamay, to appear in International Mathematical Research Notices;

5. "Generalizations of TASEP in discrete and continuous inhomogeneous space" with L. Petrov and A. Saenz, to appear in Communications in Mathematical Physics;

6. "Log-gases on a quadratic lattice via discrete loop equations and q-boxed plane partitions" with E. Dimitrov, Journal of Functional Analysis, Vol. 276, Issue 10, 2019, 3067-3169;

7. "Random tilings: gap probabilities, local and global asymptotics", Doctoral thesis, 2017;

8. "Asymptotics of random domino tilings of rectangular Aztec diamonds" with A. Bufetov, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Vol. 54 (3), 2018, 1250-1290;

9. "Moduli spaces of q-connections and gap probabilities", International Mathematical Research Notices, Vol. 2016, Issue 22, 1 Nov. 2016, 6921-6954;

10. "Algebraic analogue of Atiyah's theorem" with A. Neshitov, Homology, Homotopy and Applications, 16 (2014), no. 2, 289-306;

11. "Presheaves with K-transfers", Diploma thesis, available upon request, 2012.