
General interests:  Algebra and Combinatorics.

Particular topics. Graph and networks, representation theory, character theory, symmetric functions, Hopf structures, polytopes, ring theory, group


Preprints and submitted works

4.  F. Aliniaeifard, V. Wang, and S. van Willigenburg, Deletion-contraction for a unified Laplacian and applications, preprint (2022) arXiv:2110.13949.

3.  F. Aliniaeifard, V. Wang, and S. van Willigenburg, The chromatic symmetric function of a graph centred at a vertex, submitted (2021) arXiv:2108.04850.

2. F. Aliniaeifard and Shu Xiao Li, Peak algebras in combinatorial Hopf algebras, preprint (2021), arXiv:2110.05648.

1.  F. Aliniaeifard, C. Benedetti, N. Bergeron, and F. Saliola, Stable set polytopes and their 1-skeleta, preprint (2021), arXiv:1804.00360.


Journal publications

15. F. Aliniaeifard, S. Li, and S. van Willigenburg, Generalized chromatic functions, Int. Math. Res. Not, IMRN, (2024) [45 pages]. 

14. F. Aliniaeifard, V. Wang, and S. van Willigenburg, P-partition power sums, Eur. J. Comb., accepted (2022) arXiv:2112.06457.

13.  F. Aliniaeifard and Nathaniel Thiem, Hopf structures in the representation theory of direct products, Electron. J. Comb., accepted (2022) arXiv: 2111.03131.

12. F. Aliniaeifard, S. Li, and S. van Willigenburg, Schur functions in noncommuting variables, Adv. Math. 406, 108536 (2022) [37 pages].

11. F. Aliniaeifard and N. Thiem, A categorification of the Malvenuto–Reutenauer algebra via a tower of groups, Adv. Math. 383, 107675 (2021) [43 pages].

10. F. Aliniaeifard, V. Wang, and S. van Willigenburg, Extended chromatic symmetric functions and equality of ribbon Schur functions, Adv. in Appl. Math. 128, 102189 (2021) [29 pages].

9.  F. Aliniaeifard and N. Thiem, The structure of normal lattice supercharacter theories, Algebr. Comb. 3 (2020) 1059–1078.

8.  F. Aliniaeifard and N. Thiem, Pattern groups and a poset based Hopf monoid, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 172 (2020) 105187 [31 pages].

7.  F. Aliniaeifard, Normal supercharacter theories and their supercharacters, J. Algebra 469 (2017) 464-484.

6.  F. Aliniaeifard, M. Behboodi, and Y. Li, The annihilating-ideal graph of a ring, J. Korean Math. Soc. 52 (2015) 1323-1336.

5. F. Aliniaeifard and Y. Li, Zero-divisor graphs for group rings, Comm. Algebra 42 (11) (2014) 4790-4800.

4. F. Aliniaeifard, M. Behboodi, E. Mehdi-Nezhad, and A. Masoud Rahimi, The annihilating-ideal graph of a commutative ring with respect to an ideal, Comm. Algebra 42 (5) (2014) 2269-2284.

3. F. Aliniaeifard, Y. Li, and W. Nicholson, Morphic p-groups, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 217 (10) (2013) 1864-1869.

2. F. Aliniaeifard and M. Behboodi, Commutative rings whose zero-divisor graphs have positive genus, Comm. Algebra 41 (10) (2013) 3629-3634.

1. F. Aliniaeifard and M. Behboodi, Rings whose annihilating-ideal graphs have positive genus, J. Algebra Appl. 11, 1250049 (2012) [13 pages].

Conference proceedings