Aline Zanardini (she/her/hers)

Bernoulli Instructor

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne


I am a mathematician currently working at EPFL as a Bernoulli Instructor in the Institute of Mathematics. My research is in (complex) algebraic geometry and, in broad terms, my interests lie at the interface of birational geometry and moduli theory. 

I obtained my PhD in May 2021 from the University of Pennsylvania, under the supervision of Antonella Grassi. After graduating, I moved to The Netherlands and between July 2021 and June 2023 I was a postdoc at Leiden University, where my mentor was Federica Pasquotto.

I am originally from the south of Brazil and I did my undergraduate studies (B.Sc. in Math) at Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). I also completed a masters degree there.

You can find out more about my academic profile below.

Upcoming and/or recent travel:

Papers and preprints:



Invited talks:





2019 & 2020


--------------- List of courses taught: 

As instructor

Introduction to differential geometry for civil engineering, 1st year course, 65 students, 5 TAs.

2nd year course (bachelor in Mathematics), 90 students, 3 TAs.

3rd year course (bachelor in Mathematics)

intensive 7-week introduction to differential and integral calculus, with 2-hour lectures twice a week

intensive course with 2-hour classes Monday through Thursday during 5 weeks, no TAs.

As teaching assistant

weekly 2-hour long recitations + office hours, 17 students

half in-person and half virtually due the pandemic, departmental good teaching award 

weekly 2-hour long recitations (x2) + grading + office hours, 39 students divided into 2 sessions  

weekly 2-hour long recitations (x2) + grading + office hours, 51 students divided into 2 sessions

assistance during lectures + weekly 2-hour long recitations (x2) + office hours, 33 students divided into 2 sessions

--------------- Student supervision:

"1,2,4 and 8: Hurwitz's theorem."

"On the topology of fiber bundles."

"Constructing automorphisms of K3 surfaces via elliptic fibrations."

``Fano manifolds as Mori dream spaces." 

Supervised an undergraduate student in a semester-long reading project in Applied Topology.

--------------- Teaching training:

I also participated and completed the SAIL TA training during Fall 2017.

Activities that I am/was involved in:

Co-organizer - Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023 

Co-organizer- Spring 2022, Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 

Co-organizer – Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 (Webpage)

Co-organizer – Fall 2020 and Spring 2021

Mentor – Spring 2020

I participated on a panel about grad student life on the workshop woMan UP!. This was an event aimed at undergraduate women who were applying to math graduate school.

Organizer - Fall 2018

For three consecutive years I was one of the master TAs in the Math department at Penn. My duties included helping to organize and to conduct the annual TA training aimed at first time TAs. And also carrying out in-class observations of the new TAs followed by informal meetings.

Contact me:

aline [dot] zanardini [at] epfl [dot] ch