Aline ROC

R&D Engineer



About me

Hi! I'm Aline, an R&D engineer in Bordeaux, France. I work in the Human Centered Systems team (SCH) at CATIE, a non-profit CRT (technology resource center) whose mission is to accelerate the transfer of technology and knowledge between the worlds of research and industry. 

Before that, I worked as an UX Researcher in two major french structures (DECATHLON and EDF) and in a startup (MOBALIB). I graduated in Cognitive Science engineering from ENSC in 2018 and I received a PhD in Computer Science in 2022 in the team of Fabien LOTTE at Inria.


My job as R&D engineer is to plan, conduct and communicate research focused on the human-technology relationship (state-of-the-art review, needs assessment, technology transfer and evaluation, studies with users, etc.). My PhD thesis dealt with the standardization, evaluation and design of learning experiences for a very special sort of interactive technology: brain-computer interfaces. I specialize in human-computer interaction (HCI) as well as applied cognitive science, human factors, user experience research (UXR) and research operations (ReOps). Whenever possible, I seek an interdisciplinary mixed-methods approach that borrows from computer science, ergonomics, psychology, usability engineering and design.

Research interests

Over the past years, the topics I've explored the most have been: human learning (adaptive learning, e-learning platforms, gamification for learning), Brain-Computer Interfaces (electroencephalography, mental tasks, neurofeedback), and human-AI collaboration (explainable AI, trustworthy AI, assisted decision-making, intelligent tutoring system). 


2024- ... 一 R&D engineer at CATIE, a non-profit org. contributing to human-centered research and transfer programs

2023 一 UX Researcher at EDF, the government-owned French electricity producer (UX of employees' industry tools)

2023 UX Researcher at DECATHLON, the world's largest sporting goods retailer (e-commerce checkout team)

2019-2022PhD Student at INRIA, the National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology

2019-2021Teaching at ENSC BORDEAUX INP : C#/Web programming , semantic web, experimental protocols

2018-2019 UX Researcher at MOBALIB, a startup promoting the dissemination of accessibility data

2018 Intern (engineer) at INRIA, the National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology

2017 Intern (engineer) at AT INTERNET, the european leader in web analytics services


2023 MCF Qualification, Section 27

2022 PhD Degree in Computer Science, Université de Bordeaux 

2018 Engineering Degree (MSc) in Cognitive Science, ENSC BORDEAUX INP

2013-2015 Prep. school in maths, physics, computer science (MPSI/MP), Lycée Camille Guérin

Supervision & Mentoring 

2022 J. Azzouguen (M2 Cognitive Science, 6 months)

2021 S. Pramij (M2 Neuroscience & Biotechnologies, 6 months)

2021 N. Abo Alzahab (M2 Biomedical engineering, 3 months)

2021 M.S. Yamamoto (M2 Biomedical engineering, 1 month)

2020 L. Kolodzienski (M2 Cognitive Psychology, 7 months)

Local responsibilities & scientific outreach 

2024 Event manager co-organising nights of Pint Of Science in Bordeaux

2023 Coaching young students via the mentoring platform

2022 Presentations of our research at the Cap Science outreach center 

2022 Member of the psycho-social risks (RPS) working group of the LaBRI laboratory

2022 Workshops for MIMM women science students ("I'm a mathematician, I'm a computer scientist")

2021-2022 Student representative elected to the Board of the EDMI doctoral school

2019-2021 Secretary of the AFoDIB, the association of computer science PhD students

2020 Co-wrote "Apprendre à contrôler une interface cerveau-ordinateur" for Annales des Mines 

2021 Video portrait for the Coulisses des sciences event of the IMST master's program

2015-2016 Communication manager of the ENSC art association BDA

Selected publications *

2023 (5) Nature Sci. Data   A large EEG database with users’ profile information for motor imagery BCI research

2022 (12) Brain-Computer Interfaces When should MI-BCI feature optimization include prior knowledge, and which one?

2021 (87) J. of Neural Engineering A review of user training methods in BCI based on mental tasks

2021 (38) Int. J. of Human-Comp. Studies Experimenters' influence on mental-imagery based BCI user training

2021 (36) Front. in Human Neurosc. Long-term BCI training of a tetraplegic user: adaptive riemannian classifiers and user training

2021 (7) ICASSP Channel selection over Riemannian manifold with non-stationarity consideration for BCI applications

2021 (6) CHIST-ERA A user-centred approach to unlock the potential of non-invasive BCIs

2019 (16) 8th Int. Graz Conf. Would motor-imagery based BCI user training benefit from more women experimenters?

* 📊 Number of citations indicated in parenthesis (source: Google Scholar visited on May, 08, 2024)