Samsung Mobile – Strikingly Slim Fashion Phone

The Korean producers focused on the music phone market, while dispatching the new phone the MOBILE. A large portion of the highlights are centered much around the usefulness on the multi-media side, and specifically the music choices accessible. Its tall and slim plan makes it truly observable, even among design phones, and it looks more like a music player than a typical mobile. The phone is very thin and additional light. Its measurements are simply 87.7mm x 30.9mm x 20.4mm. It additionally arrives in a variety of tones, including purple, blue and dark.


The phone has a smooth turn activity. To open the phone, you push the top portion of the handset to one side, the screen at that point naturally turns into place and uncovers the keypad stowing away underneath. The phone has a restricted screen. It is a TFT screen which gives a screen goal of 128 x 220 pixels and up to 262k tones on a 1.4 inch screen.

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