PhD student at DiverSE Team, Inria/IRISA, University of Rennes 1

*website updated on 18/06/2022


1. Chaos Testing

A comprehensive testing for network services and functions in distributed systems was performed to build system confidence and resiliency against unforeseen failures in the runtime. The promising solution to prevent such failures before they are visible to the users and affect the experience is fault injection technique, where we put perturbation on top of software recovery logic. A baseline scenario (normal system operation) was run to compare and analyze the system running with perturbation scenario to test its ability to withstand the perturbation. The goal is to reveal system weakness so that developers are able to notice and fix while not disrupting the running system. Data description of Chaos Testing are listed here.

2. GNS3 automation framework

Automatic network architecture deployment and runtime management in GNS3 network simulator. The framework contains dynamic, full implementation features in GNS3 using its API. Users only have to modify a configuration files to specify the location of GNS3 server, project name, and nodes and links in the architecture. This work, though can be used for any simulation purpose, is as part of Chaos Testing framework.

3. SDN Control-Data Plane Communication

To optimize SDN control and data plane connection, an approach for reducing OpenFlow (OF) control messages between SDN controller and Open vSwitch (OVS) was proposed. The first packet flow is always send and received to store data information of subsequent packets in the same flow session. Then the controller limit the switch selection to be installed by the OF rules. Trade-off was found with improved rule matching rates in the presence of slightly enhanced number of flow entries in the OVS flow table. As a result, latency and bandwidth were enhanced.

4. Water Quality Monitoring

A device for monitoring water quality was implemented by using Arduino with sensors such as DHT11 for water temperature and humidity and pH sensor. Data were stored in database and computed stochastically for further analysis. Communication among nodes was run using real-time MQTT protocol and compared with the proposed pub/sub communication. Correlation between evaluation metrics complete the experiments.

5. ECG Device Implementation with Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA)

A brand-new ECG was developed as an alternative for measuring human heartbeats. The device used Raspberry Pi as a compute unit with the ECG sensors collecting the electrical activity data of the heartbeats (in voltage). To analyze the symptoms of heart abnormality, DFA evaluates the time series of heartbeats signal and proves the correlation of statistical deviation of normal and abnormal heartbeats.

List of my research tools is here