Last Update: 2022/03/15

:: Education ::

  • [2015 - 2019] Kyung Hee University Department of Physics

    • Bachelor Thesis: Development of Railgun using electromagnetic force

  • [2016 - 2017] Kwansei Gakuin University Department of Physics

    • 1-year Exchange Student

  • [2019 - 2021] Kyoto University, Faculty of Science, High Energy Physics Lab

    • Master Thesis: Development of 16-Electrode Beam Monitor Algorithm for T2K Experiment

  • [2021 - 20XX] Kyoto University, Faculty of Science, High Energy Physics Lab

    • Doctoral Theme: Beam dynamics (instability of high intensity beam)

    • Doctoral Thesis: ???

:: Research ::

  • Bachelor: Development of Railgun using electromagnetic force

 Railguns that use electromagnetic force to fire bullets are attracting attention as future weapons as they are being developed at military facilities around the world in recent years. Personally, I like to handle huge amounts of energy, so I went from circuit design and production to turret design and production. Since it is not possible to prepare huge equipment such as military facilities, we made it with capacitors and neodymium magnets that can be purchased on the mail order site. As a result, there was one accident in which the capacitor exploded due to insufficient understanding of the circuit, and one accident in which the turret was destroyed in a few shots because the durability of the turret was not taken into consideration. An experiment of bad luck. The wreckage is left in the warehouse of my parents' house, so I will try to complete it again next time.

  • Master: Development of 16-Electrode Beam Monitor Algorithm

 After entering the master's program, I decided to sell my soul to programming. Hardware is of course important, but it has not been completed to exceed the limits of hardware with software, and we are currently developing a 16-electrode beam monitor for MR of J-PARC. In particular, we are developing an algorithm for beam profile analysis and applying artificial intelligence technology to verify whether the beam distribution can be reconstructed with high accuracy.

  • Doctoral: Beam dynamics

  • Doctoral: Particle physics (neutrino oscillation)

:: My Interest ::

  • General Programming

    • I use c++/python for my purposes, and occasionally write typescript, rust, fortran and php. I occasionally use hardware languages such as VHDL for research. Recently, I'm trying to make an artificial intelligence algorithm from scratch.

  • High energy physics

  • Boxing and powerlifting

    • I've been boxing for over 5 years, but recently I've been addicted to powerlifting, and since I became a graduate student, I've only been lifting. In 2021, achieved 185 kg of squats, 220 kg of deadlifts, and 130 kg of bench presses.

  • Computer Game