In the song, the narrator's lover who had left her returns and wants to start a new relationship, but she has moved on. Her lover is now in the position she was once in, and in being rejected receives their just deserts ("what goes around comes around"). The title references the popular conception of karma as getting what one deserves.

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The chorus emphasizes the idea of karma, suggesting that what goes around comes around. The narrator implies that their partner, who once ended the relationship, is now the one desiring to come back. The repetitive use of the line "What goes up must come down" reinforces the idea that actions have consequences.

The final chorus reinforces the theme of karma, reminding the partner that their actions will have consequences. The narrator acknowledges that they need to stop trying to come back to them, embracing the idea that what goes around comes around.

Weren't you the one who said, that you don't want me anymore

And how you need your space, and give the keys back to your door

And how I cried and tried and tried to make you stay with me

But still you said your love was gone, and that I had to leave

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