My Journey

Ali Hassan Elmango is a seasoned Mechanical Engineer with a passion for data-driven decision-making. He is associated with Gazala Steel Fabrication and is known for his dedication to both engineering and data science.

With a solid foundation in engineering, Ali graduated from the esteemed faculty of engineering at Alexandria University in 2021. During his college years, he showcased his expertise in robotics by actively contributing to the creation of three remarkable robots, including an impressive humanoid model and an innovative remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV). Following his graduation, Ali embarked on a professional journey that led him to diverse opportunities. He began his career as a technical office engineer at APIC, where he honed his engineering skills and gained valuable experience. Recently, Ali transitioned to Gazala Steel Fabrication, where he continues to bring his expertise to the forefront.

Ali's career aspirations have evolved to encompass a new direction: data science. He is currently pursuing a data science degree at ALX, with the goal of seamlessly blending his engineering acumen with advanced data analysis techniques. His impressive achievements include the successful completion of ALX's data analysis nano degree and the FWD data analysis program.

Ali's values reflect a commitment to integrity, wisdom-seeking, and assisting others. He believes in the power of honesty and humility, and he approaches both his professional and personal endeavors with a true philosopher's mindset. His perspective is grounded in the belief that knowledge-seeking is not just a task, but a way of life.

What sets Ali apart is his unique approach to data. For him, data isn't simply a job requirement; it's a lifestyle. He believes in harnessing the potential of data to drive informed decisions, making him a true advocate for the art of data-driven thinking. As Ali Hassan Elmango continues to bridge the realms of mechanical engineering and data science, his journey exemplifies the pursuit of knowledge and excellence, all while leaving a positive impact on the world around him.