Speakers and Courses

Mini-course 1: Algebraic equations in statistics and physics 

D. Agostini,
Universität Tübingen

Algebraic geometry is the study of solutions to polynomial equations, and it is one of the most classical but at the same time very active areas in mathematics. In particular, many surprising connections to other subjects have been established in recent years. In this course, I will give a concrete introduction to the basic ideas and concepts of algebraic geometry. I will do that by using as a thread the geometry of the maximum likelihood method, which is fundamental in modern statistics and machine learning, and appears in particle physics as well. An important part will be played by explicit computations with software. 

Prerequisites: calculus and linear algebra.

Mini-course 2: Spectral Methods and applications to Machine Learning 

K.Y. Djima, Wellesley College

Spectral graph theory reveals the properties of a graph when it is represented as a matrix, e.g., its adjacency matrix or Laplacian matrix, whose characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors of these matrices can be studied to understand the graph. The increasing interest in graph signal processing and the ubiquity of graph neural networks have made spectral graph theory critical in applied mathematics and machine learning. In the Spectral Graph Methods and Machine Learning mini-course, we will introduce spectral graph theory through the basics of graph signal processing and demonstrate its natural connections with classical harmonic analysis. They will discuss current theoretical and applied questions. In particular, there will be computational experimentation, including graph image processing and graph neural networks. Finally, time permitting, we will introduce recent applications of graph signal processing to signal simplicial complexes, perhaps eliciting connections with Topological Data Analysis. 

Prerequisites: TBA

Mini-course 3: Foundations of Quantum Computation

D. Dikko,
University of Ibadan

In this course, we shall describe basic mathematical tools which serve as foundations for quantum computations.

Prerequisites: TBA

Mini-course 4: Topological Data Analysis 

A. Barbensi,
University of Melbourne

The aim of this mini-course is to introduce topological data analysis (TDA) and its main algorithm, persistent homology (PH). PH is a computational tool used to extract a topology-based fingerprint from complex data, that relies on the computation of topological features such as connected components, loops, and voids. PH has been used with increasing frequency and success to quantify the structure of complex data. Among other applications, PH has enabled novel insights in cancer studies, pathology, evolution, ecology and material science. In the first half of the course, we will introduce the mathematical concepts of simplicial complexes and simplicial homology. We will then talk about how to construct a filtration of simplicial complexes from data, and we will introduce PH and its properties. Time permitting, we will look into PH computations and what we can learn from them, and we will discuss recent applications. 

Prerequisites: linear algebra.

Mini-course 5: The Rudiments of Plane Topology 

O.A. Fadipe-Joseph,
University of Ilorin


Complex Analysis is the study of complex numbers and functions of complex numbers. It is a fertile area of pure mathematics which exhibits many interesting results. It is a source of powerful techniques which are widely applied in sciences.

The complex numbers can be identified with the points in the Euclidean plane. Here, we give basic definitions and theorems from plane topology that are useful in complex function theory. In particular, topology of the complex plane shall be discussed.


P. Adeyemo
University of Ibadan

Title: Algebra of Symmetric Functions
Abstract: click

The theory of symmetric functions has many applications in representation theory, algebraic geometry, enumerative combinatorics, graph theory, etc. I plan to start the course with a brief introduction to the symmetric group Sn in connection with the geometry of R^n. I will discuss the invariant subring K[x1, . . . , xn]^{Sn} and state some of the fundamental problems that are of great interest in invariant theory using K[x1, . . . , xn]^{Sn} as a toy. I will discuss some of the bases of Xd := K[x1, . . . , xn]^{Sn}_d, the space of homogeneous symmetric polynomials of degree d. These bases include (i.) Monomial symmetric polynomials mλ, (ii) Elementary symmetric polynomials eλ (iii.) Complete symmetric polynomials hλ (iv.) Power sum pλ (v.) Schur polynomials sλ. If time permits, I would also like to discuss an application of this in graph theory, that is, graph colouring (chromatic symmetric polynomials). Perhaps, students can investigate e-positivity or schur-positivity of any star graph.

I. Chinyere
University of Warwick

Title: TBA
Abstract: TBA

D. Bunnett
TU Berlin

Title: Polyhedral Geometry
Abstract: TBA

M.E. Egwe
University of Ibadan

Title: Topologies on some function spaces of distributions and their algebras
Abstract: click

In this talk we shall attempt to introduce new graduate students to the Theory of Distributions, the spaces of test functions and their topologies. We then x-ray with respect to these topologies, the algebras of these function spaces (distributions). In due course, we shall extend these to some special types of algebras, like the algebra of bi-invariant functions on some classes of Lie groups and those of pseudogroups with some results.

B.O Onasanya
University of Ibadan

Title: An Introductory Lecture on Fuzzy Algebra
Abstract: click

Many situations we deal with in real life are not as precise and certain as we treat them. Coming up with the same names on the set of short men may not possible for different individual though they are choosing from the same universe. Given the reality of our time, there is need for set theoretic tools which capture these uncertainties and imprecisions. This is fuzzy set. There are different types of fuzzy set. This course focuses on the very first type of fuzzy set developed by L. A. Zadeh. It will also put some algebraic structures on it in order to discuss the concept of fuzzy group, fuzzy normal subgroup, fuzzy cosets and some examples will be given. Besides, it will give some results in fuzzy group theory. It will also give some highlights on some applications.

M. Lostaglio

Title: Quantum linear algebra: an introduction
Abstract: click

I will give a basic introduction to quantum algorithms from the point of view of performing linear algebra on a quantum computer. I will take quantum Hamiltonian simulation as a case in point, as it allows one to introduce some of the main concepts (block-encodings, query vs gate complexity...) and techniques (quantum signal processing) at play. I will conclude by briefly mentioning why several other quantum algorithms can be seen through the same lens.

D. Martinelli
University of Amsterdam

Title: Projective spaces and their blow-ups
Abstract: click

Projective spaces and their blow-ups in a set of points in general position are ubiquitous objects in algebraic geometry. I will describe the basic constructions and explain how you can study the birational geometry of these spaces. I will try to be accessible to a wider audience without necessarily an algebraic geometry background while at the same time try to give at least an idea of important questions in my area of research. If time permits, at the end I will briefly report on a recent work in progress with Araujo, Castravet, D’Urso and Kaur.  

B. Szendrői
University of Vienna

Title: TBA
Abstract: TBA