Sprint 3: More Data Structures


  • Teams
  • Sprint Duration: Tuesday, March 22 - Thursday, April 12
  • Quiz: Thursday, April 12
  • Requirements due:
    • Problem sets: Beginning of class on Tuesday, April 10
    • Programming assignment: Tuesday, April 17


Algorithmic problems may look very different from the outset yet have very similar properties. For example, consider:

    • Problem 1: Given a map of cities and landmarks in North Carolina with distances between them, find the shortest route between Elon and Charlotte.
    • Problem 2: Given the exchange rates of European countries, find a way to exchange money in a certain sequence in order to make a profit.

It turns out that both these problems can be modeled with the same data structure - a graph. Once the graph is created, it is clear that the solutions to the two seemingly disparate problems is the same - finding the shortest route between vertices in the graph.

This is the power of data structures and algorithms. You will learn models for abstracting real-world problems, and the algorithms for finding efficient solutions to common problems with those models. In this way you can be presented with novel, real-world problems that have already well-known and well-studied solutions.

Responsibilities (What you need to know):

  • Binary Search Trees
    • Definition: Tree property - all children on left smaller than root, and all children on right larger than root
    • Potential range of BST Height - from n to lgn
    • Algorithms:
      • Search, Insert, O(h)
      • Successor, leading to Delete O(h)
  • Hash Tables
    • Goal: Insert, find, delete (key, value) pairs in O(1) time
    • Direct Addressing. Impractical.
    • Two main implementation schemes: open-address and chaining
      • Open-address: Tricky to delete. Collisions require a re-probing algorithm.
      • Chaining: Easier to implement, but can waste space and requires dynamic space allocation.
  • Graphs
    • Definitions: Vertices, Edges, in-degree, out-degree, weighted vs non-weighted, sparse vs dense, directed vs non-directed, trees, source, sink
    • Note: all analyses are now in terms of V and E (number of vertices and number of edges)
    • Two main ways of implementing a graph: Adjacency list and adjacency matrix (Know pros and cons of each)
    • Basic graph traversal algorithms: Depth-first and Breadth-first (both O(E + V))
      • DFS: Useful for finding connectivity of graphs, cycles in graphs, and topological sorting
        • Know how to find pre and post numbers based on DFS
        • Know how to categorize edges as back, forward, tree, or cross
        • Know how to algorithmically compute topological sorts
      • BFS: Useful for finding shortest paths in unweighted graphs
        • Be able to hand-simulate BFS for any graph
    • Shortest-path algorithm: Dijkstra's
      • O((E+V)(lgV))
      • Useable only when edge weights are positive
      • Be able to hand-simulate Dijkstra's showing the priority queue and the parent hashmap.
      • Bellman-Ford - simple extension to work for negative-weight cycles as well

Requirements (What you need to do):

Individual Requirements:

Team Requirements:

Individual Extra Credit:

  • Research either a sort algorithm from last sprint that we did not cover, or a balanced tree implementation, and turn in a paper with the following information about the algorithm or data structure:
    • Name & when it was developed
    • Running time(s)
    • Overview of how the it works (pseudocode or few English sentences)
    • Detail example showing me step-by-step how it works
    • Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses (when would I use it?)

Resources: (Expert Request)

Reality Check:

  • Tuesday, March 27: Sprint Planning & overview of BSTs. For homework, read Chapter on Binary Search Trees & try problem set questions on Binary Search Trees.
  • Thursday, March 29: Answer questions on BSTs, and do practice problems. Give overview of Hashtables. For homework, finish problem set on BSTs and Hashtables.
  • Tuesday, April 3: Turn in problem set 1. Answer questions on Hashtables and give overview of Graphs. For homework, start problem set on Graphs.
  • Thursday, April 5 (Convocation): Turn in problem set 2 (whatever you have). Go over path algorithms. For homework, work on programming project and finish up problem sets.
  • Tuesday, April 10: Turn in both problem sets with corrections. Go over answers and review for the quiz. If time, work on programming project. For homework, practice & review for quiz.
  • Thursday, April 12: Quiz. (Finish Dijkstra's for Tuesday.)