Algorithms and Optimization Workshop

2nd November 2017, Zurich

In light of expanding the Google Research team in EMEA and our intention to increase our presence in the area of algorithms and optimization, we would like to invite you to an Algorithms and Optimization Workshop at Google Zurich.

In this workshop, we aim to spark new ideas for academics and Googlers in the area of algorithms and optimization, while also giving our academic participants an opportunity to see what we have been working on at Google.

WHEN Thursday 2nd November (9am - 6pm followed by a social dinner).

WHERE Google Zurich, Brandschenkestrasse 110, 8002 Zürich, Switzerland.

WHO About 30 academic attendees and Google researcher and engineers.

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Workshop Organisers: Vahab Mirrokni, Silvio Lattanzi, Michelle Finnegan and Lindsey Owens.