Hi! i would like to know how i can use the arduino to send output signals through multiple ports on the microcontroller. basically, i have about five relays, all powered by a seperate power supply, that need to receive signals from the arduino at the same time. if i send a short signal, does this turn the relay on and then it stays on until i send another signal to turn it off? or do i have to provide a continous signal to keep the relays open. any help will be greatly appreciated.

ok. is it possible to send multiple continous signals from the arduino at the same time? i need the arduino to control servos at the same time its sending the signals as well. is this possible? if so what would i need?

Arduino Multiple Software Serial Ports In System

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ok. is it possible to send multiple continous signals from the arduino at the same time? i need the arduino to control servos at the same time its sending the signals as well. is this possible? if so what would i need?

well i want it to look as if the motors connected to the ports turn on at the same time. and i need the arduino to constantly send the continous signals while running other ports. so i want the arduino to send signals to the relays and keep sending them while the servos are being controlled.


well i want it to look as if the motors connected to the ports turn on at the same time. and i need the arduino to constantly send the continous signals while running other ports. so i want the arduino to send signals to the relays and keep sending them while the servos are being controlled.

Ok. Awesome! I finally understand. Thanks so much. i feel really stupid now knowing how simple it is. lol. XD

Thanks guys! i have looked into the h bridge and motor bridges. I only need to reverse one motor so i will look into it more.

i have another question, on my coding, how do i end the loop process? basically when the process is done i want it to end for good until i reset the arduino or remove the power supply.

thanks so much. is there a way to give points to users on here? or stars? i want to give you all thumbs up or stars for helping me.Ā 

one more question as well, sorry for so many! but, if my relays are 5v do i need to use a transistor in between them and the arduino? will it harm the arduino if i dont have a transistor?

ok so i looked through the tutorials. they were very informative. So i will need to place a transistor on the breadboard in between the relays and the arduino. could i just use transistors to turn my motors on and off? the motors are 6v and are powered by a 6v power supply. could i just use transistors? or would relays and transistors together be the wise choice?

Or, move up to a bigger chip with four 8 bit ports - ATmega1284P.

I just ordered parts for another 25 kits last night. Need to review the purchase prices and adjust the kit price if needed.


1094458 70.8 KB

Thanks majenko and Crossroads for your replies.

I have the Nano and pro mini arduino. I can't get another one variant for now so will have to try with these 2.

Both of the suggestions are not suitable (unless I dont really understand what you trying to explain...I a beginner ).

Since I am counting from 0 to 255 decimal and all 8 pins need to be used in parallel (output at the same time) to drive an 8bit DAC. I will keep trying.


I'm working on a project and trying to create multiple switches driven by a network with a arduino internet.

Using mudbus library to exchange output gates. In a basic description it creates an ethernet server and responds incoming.

Also I need to establish user given names of the output gates, so I'm creating another ethernet server on a different port.

Is it possible to create two servers on the same ip, but different ports on a standard arduino ethernet?

Currently, if you listen on a port (like telnet PORT 23) and get a connection, any other connection attempts to that port hang while it is in use. My modifications allow future connections to also be handled. I provide a simple example that sends other connections a message like "System busy. Try back later." But, in my programs, I am using it so multiple telnets can be handled at the same time.

This would be fine if I had all 4 pins in the same port register (A, B, C, or D) but I don't. Mostly I need to trigger two port registers at the same time. I would rewire, but I have already made a PCB for my project, so I am wondering if there is a way to trigger multiple port registers at the same time:

SoftwareSerial can only listen to one port at a time. You cannot listen to both, no way. To really listen to both, you need an Arduino with more hardware Serial ports, where most of the protocol is done in hardware, thus can receive without CPU intervention. The Arduino Mega has 4 hardware Serial ports.

I appreciate that this is an old thread but I've just come across it after having several months of this problem.

I'm using 1.8.10 on two PCs and both suffer from multiple instances of the same port appearing under Tools.

It makes Serial monitor and uploading impossible and the only way to get rid of it is to shut down all the sketches running on that IDE - affects all of them - and restart.

After plugging and unplugging the USB cable in several times, the number of COM ports with the same number start to increase under Tools. All are highlighted and all are ticked. Sometimes, up to 6 instances of the same port show.

I thought it was a board problem, but it's not. It affects all the boards I use, Uno, Leonado, Mega.

No other USB devices or applications have this problem.

I never saw the problem before in all the previous years going back to 2010.

I use powered hubs that have always worked well. Using COM ports directly off the motherboard makes no difference.

I've also noticed another problem which may or may not be related.

Plugging a USB cable into one board, causes another board to reset.

I've scoped the USB data lines and they are clean.

All that seems to stop it is to disable RESET, but that's a pain.

I can live with that one, but the multiple COM ports is seriously trying.

I wondered if there had been any progress on getting a fix.

Hi tigger. This is strange. Following the steps in Upload fails after native USB board is disconnected w/ Serial Monitor openĀ  Issue #8851Ā  arduino/ArduinoĀ  GitHub with Arduino IDE 1.8.10, I'm still able to cause the multiple ports menu entries, but I don't have any problems uploading. If you follow those steps exactly, do you get the upload error? Does it happen with all the different types of boards you use?

The multiple entries in the Tools > Ports menu issue remains, but that has already been fixed in the beta build of the Arduino IDE. So it's just a matter of waiting until that fix is ported from the beta build to the production build and released. I'm not sure how long that might take. I don't think the Arduino developers are treating that as a high priority bug since it doesn't affect any functionality.

Multiple com ports has been reported in a variety of cases both on the forum, github, and directly.

More frequently happens with a Windows environment and is even more common with multiple live boards.

Bob and pert

Thanks for the information which I will chew over.

I will try and firm up on exactly how and when the multiple ports crop up.

What I usually notice first is that the upload button stays active - yellow?- for ever and sure enough the COM port will be shown several times. I don't get up in to the 30's for COM port numbers.

Port busy or port unavailable often crops up, sometimes after closing and re-opening Serial Monitor.

The "fix" for that is to select another port from Tools, close the Tools menu then select the port you do need.

I'm running Win 10 pro on both PCs, all up to date.

I haven't seen the same problem on a Linux machine, but I don't use it that much.

One thing I am guilty of is running the PC and often IDEs for days on end. This often ends up with one of the IDE instances disappearing or getting "file does not exist" error.

I am also noticing on one PC a very long (20-minutes or more) startup of the IDE after a computer restart. Again, this is the only application that takes that amount of time.

I am seriously considering setting up the Arduino stuff on a dedicated PC, well away from the day to day office stuff.

pert - ref the boards - I principally work on Unos and Megas, a mix of genuine and good clones and it was a Mega showing multiple ports yesterday that prompted me to look it up.

Being the OP I can confirm that I also see the problem with IDE 1.8.10. But a lot less frequent than in April. However, since then I have cleared out my pile of COM port declarations that were in the 80'ies. So that the number of COM ports declarations may play a role is probably true.

I did have a minor theory about different types of boards that would leap frog each other when they had 2 known ports such as the common COM and the bootloader COM

Where the next board used a different boards bootloader port which would make the original board when connected move one of its ports up in number.

The >80 COM ports in use is not for the same device. From time to time my PC is used for configuration of many devices not Arduino related. I may have misunderstood the issue "become unstable after COM 30."

i am having trouble getting data from two sensors using two software serial ports with an arduino board. I noticed a similar question might have been asked before but the answers suggest it can't be done and I know fully well it can based on the example here ( )!

I can get data from either devices using just on software serial port but as soon as I add the second software serial port, neither ports will work. I can't use the hardware serial port because that is being used byt another device.

This code will not work, or will work poorly if it works at all. SoftwareSerial only has one internal buffer. Yes, you can have multiple SoftwareSerial objects in existence, but only one of them controls the internal buffer. When any RX pin gets asserted, that generates an interrupt, but only the listen()ing RX pin gets checked for a start bit. be457b7860


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