New website for the 2024 and subsequent editions of the conference:

This will be a one-week conference highlighting recent advances in algebraic topology and related fields. The guiding theme will be the use of algebraic and categorical structure to better understand geometric contexts. We hope by bringing together mathematicians from diverse subfields in algebraic topology, who use similar techniques to achieve different goals, we can foster new ideas and perspectives. The event will feature invited talks, mini-courses, contributed talks, and time for informal interactions in a relaxed and tropical atmosphere. 

Anna Marie Bohmann
Vanderbilt University

Ralph Kaufmann
Purdue University

Inbar Klang
Columbia University

Hana Kong
Institute for Advanced Study

Alexander Kupers
University of Toronto

Nick Rozenblyum
University of Chicago

Bernardo Uribe
Universidad del Norte

Inna Zakharevich
Cornell University

Mahmoud Zeinalian
Lehmann College, CUNY

Mona Merling
University of Pennsylvania

Boris Tsygan
Northwestern University

Thomas Brazelton
University of Pennsylvania

Jeffrey Carlson
Imperial College London

Renee Hoekzema
University of Oxford

Ancieto Murillo
Universidad de Málaga

Peter Patzt
University of Oklahoma

Maximilien Peroux
University of Pennsylvania

Kate Poirier
City Tech, CUNY

Piotr Pstragowski
Harvard University

Carmen Rovi
Loyola University

Julia Semikina
University of Bonn

Yuri Sulyma
Brown University

Miguel Xicotencatl
Cinvestav, México City

Manuel Rivera
Purdue University

Jeremy Miller
Purdue University

Natalia Pacheco-Tallaj

National Science Foundation

Purdue University

Edge Foundation