Additionally, you can also use the Spring Surf model objects for pages / template instances and pass URL arguments via the or element in the component binding section. Unfortunately, the documentation no longer covers this as the "traditional way to define Surf pages" is no longe recommended (Aikau is the default). You can still see that approach in Alfresco code though. All arguments passed in such a way are accessible using the root scope "args" / "argsM" object instead of the page.url.args, which might make your web script code more independant from knowing / accessing any page context data.

Here we have scrolled to the bottom of the Dashboard page as we want to add our new content to the footer. Then we have clicked on the last component enclosed in red lines. This brings up the above black information box where we can see the region-id, source-id, and scope values that we are looking for.

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Add a new Surf Extension Modules file called add-page-content-extension-modules.xml to the aio/aio-share-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/web-extension/site-data/extensions directory (note. it is important to give this file a unique name when several Share JARs are installed, otherwise the last one wins):

Note: A Surf Extension module like this can be deployed and undeployed during runtime. And this means that an Administrator can control when different customizations should be visible or hidden. This is managed via the Module deployment page that can be found at: :8080/share/service/modules/deploy.

Add a new Surf Extension Modules file called remove-page-content-extension-modules.xml to the aio/aio-share-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/web-extension/site-data/extensions directory (note. it is important to give this file a unique name when several Share JARs are installed, otherwise the last one wins):

What we are doing here is overriding the default sub-component and putting in a new evaluation for it. The targeted component is identified with the values we got via SurfBug. So we set region-id to component-1-1, source-id to user/{userid}/dashboard, and scope to page. Note that we are changing the source-id from the specific one for Administrators (i.e. user/admin/dashboard) to one that is valid for all user dashboards.

Parametrized source-id mapping: Every Share user gets their own dashboard page, which enables them to customize the layout to suit their own needs, but each user dashboard is generated from a single preset. In this tutorial you specify user/{userid}/dashboard. Note the use of the userid variable. This allows you to change the appearance of the dashboard for any user, not just the admin user.

This tutorial demonstrates how to customize the page footer web script i18n properties to change the existing text in the footer. The tutorial walks through how to find the related component and web script.

Here we have scrolled to the bottom of the Dashboard page where the footer is located. Then we have clicked on the last component enclosed in red lines and representing the footer. This brings up the above black box that contains information about what web script that is delivering the content for the footer component (and then also the properties). In this case it is the footer.get.* web script in package org.alfresco.components.footer that we need to target. You can also identify the web script via the URL (that is, /components/footer).

For example, if we just used org.alfresco.tutorials.customization.footer and then another JAR was deployed with some other customization to the footer, using the same package path. Then if one extension module is undeployed its customizations will still be picked up if the other module is active. This is because both modules are using the same package path.

To know what the property names are we first lookup the original properties file, which is located in the tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/footer directory.

Add a new Surf Extension Modules file called customize-webscript-i18n-props-extension-modules.xml to the aio/aio-share-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/web-extension/site-data/extensions directory (note. it is important to give this file a unique name when several Share JARs are installed, otherwise the last one wins):

This tutorial demonstrates how to customize the WebView dashlet web script controller so the Alfresco Home page is displayed by default. The tutorial walks through how to find the related component and web script.

The easiest way to add a dashlet permanently to the user dashboard is to define a new preset for the dashboard layout with id user-dashboard. Create a new presets directory under the aio/aio-share-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/web-extension/site-data directory.

Here we have scrolled down a bit on the Dashboard page so we have the WebView dashlet in front of us. Then we have clicked on the WebView dashlet. This brings up the above black box that contains information about what web script that is delivering the content for the dashlet. In this case it is the webview.get.* web script in package org.alfresco.components.dashlets that we need to target. You can also identify the web script via the URL (that is, /components/dashlets/webview).

For example, if we just used org.alfresco.tutorials.customization.webview and then another JAR was deployed with some other customization to the WebView dashlet, using the same package path. Then if one extension module is undeployed its customizations will still be picked up if the other module is active. This is because both modules are using the same package path.

This controller will be processed after the out-of-the-box WebView controller. So what we are doing is just adding some stuff to the model widgets to tell the dashlet to load the Alfresco home page by default.

By inspecting the source of both the out-of-the-box controller and the template, you can work out what model properties the template is using (see tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/dashlets). This allows you to determine whether or not you can update the model after the base controller but before the template to create the required result.

Add a new Surf Extension Modules file called customize-webscript-controller-extension-modules.xml to the aio/aio-share-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/web-extension/site-data/extensions directory (note. it is important to give this file a unique name when several Share JARs are installed, otherwise the last one wins):

Here we have scrolled to the bottom of the Dashboard page where the footer is located. Then we have clicked on the last component enclosed in red lines and representing the footer. This brings up the above black box that contains information about what web script that is delivering the content for the footer component (and then also the controller). In this case it is the footer.get.* web script in package org.alfresco.components.footer that we need to target. You can also identify the web script via the URL (that is, /components/footer).

You can find out the available markup sections by looking in the original template file, which in this case is tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/footer/footer.get.html.ftl:

Add a new Surf Extension Modules file called customize-webscript-template-extension-modules.xml to the aio/aio-share-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/web-extension/site-data/extensions directory (note. it is important to give this file a unique name when several Share JARs are installed, otherwise the last one wins):

In this tutorial you will see how to add a new page to Share. In the following tutorial you will see how to make this new page the default landing page. Source code for sample Surf page can be found here .

This is the page definition file. This defines the page name (which is the file name) and a mapping to a Template-Instance that contains the content. It also defines the level of authentication required to view the page.

You are asked to log in because in the page definition file you set the authentication level to be user, that is the page is accessible to all logged in users. To create a page that can only be accessed by administrators using an authentication level of admin. To create a page that can be accessed by any user, including those who are not logged in, set the authentication level to none. 2351a5e196

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