Note: Starting from Content Services 7.0, the alfresco-pdf-renderer binaries are no longer included in the distribution zip. LibreOffice, ImageMagick, and Alfresco PDF Renderer are no longer part of the Content Services zip installation.

Alfresco requires a MySQL database named 'alfresco' with a user account and password

of 'alfresco'. This can be set up automatically by logging into Mysql and executing the db_setup.sql that comes with the distribution.

Alfresco Community Edition Download Linux

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Before running the server for the first time, it is highly recommended that the database connection details and alfresco data folder locations get checked and set according to the environment in which the server is running. By default, the server will create a data folder for storing content binaries and indexes at a location relative to the caller's location when the server is started. This is appropriate for quick previews and tests, but should be changed when running a server that will be storing long-lived data.

5. Next, go to Alfresco Community Edition repository page hosted on portal and grab the latest binary version (i.e. alfresco-community-5.0.d-installer-linux-x64.bin) for Linux using wget utility.

14. In order to access Alfresco web interface add a new firewall rule to open port 80 on your machine and navigate to the below URL. Also, make sure Selinux policy is disabled on RHEL/CentOS systems.

Synchronizing state of nginx.service with SysV service script with /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install.

Executing: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable nginx

alfresco.service is not a native service, redirecting to systemd-sysv-install.

Executing: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable alfresco

update-rc.d: error: alfresco Default-Start contains no runlevels, aborting.

One of key advantages of using Alfresco Community Edition is its strong community support. There is a large community of developers and users who contribute to development of platform, create add-ons and extensions, and provide support and guidance to new users. This community support ensures that Alfresco Community Edition is constantly evolving, with new features and improvements being added regularly.

In addition to community support, Alfresco also provides a range of resources to help users get started with platform, including documentation, training materials, and forums. Alfresco website also features a marketplace where users can browse and download add-ons and extensions to further customize their installation.

Overall, Alfresco Community Edition is a robust and feature-rich document management system that provides organizations with a scalable, secure, and customizable platform for managing their documents and content. With its strong community support, user-friendly interface, and range of features, it is an excellent choice for organizations of all sizes and industries.

Alfresco has enterprise edition and free community edition. See the difference between them here. If you have an in-house IT team, just go with the Alfresco community edition. It is straight-forward to install and configure Alfresco.

alf_data parameter identifies the location of alfresco data store, where all the documents will be stored. Make sure this is pointing to an absolute path as shown below. Initially this directory will not be present. This alf_data directory will be created when we start the alfresco for the 1st time.

After this, stop/start MySQL database and restart Alfresco Tomcat server. As a final step, make sure to take a backup of alfresco mysql database using mysqldump or mysqlhotcopy and /opt/alfresco directory.


Installation Folder

Choose a folder to install Alfresco Community.

Select a folder: [/opt/alfresco-community]: /opt/alfresco-community


Admin Password

Specify a password for the Alfresco Content Services administrator account.

Admin Password: :

Repeat Password: :


very good instructions, thanks.

I see the installation is for 5.x version of Alfresco community, but how i can install the last release (or upgrade) to last release of Alfresco in Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04 ?

By Arslan Ud Din Shafiq, Alibaba Cloud Tech Share Author. Tech Share is Alibaba Cloud's incentive program to encourage the sharing of technical knowledge and best practices within the cloud community.

With Alfresco, many enterprise challenges can be addressed, including displaying important information at one place and keeping track of employee performance. For getting the advantages of community-driven development, Alfresco Community Edition could be the best option for your enterprise.

When talking about availability and scalability, Alfresco does have some limitations. For instance, the community edition of Alfresco does not support clustering. The quality assurance and the bug fixes are also limited. However, Alfresco Community Edition provides enterprises of different levels with ease of managing their content and non-critical business process. It is easy to use and the source code of the Community Edition is also publicly available.

You will then be prompted to select a folder to install Alfresco community. Select /opt/alfresco-community, which is the default location for installing Alfresco. Continue with the default folder by pressing Enter.

it seems you have to set the logging options in "webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/" and not in the file. apparently that one overrides the global properties file.

If you want your own custom log4j file, without touching the system one, place it in alfresco/extension and call it {something} (eg and it'll be used on the next start.

If you look at alfresco/logging-context.xml you'll see the list of places that Alfresco looks for logging config, and is worth a read if you're new to log4j and how Alfresco uses it.

2. In Individual Components and Custom Installs section, download the Alfresco-community-tomcat-3.3.tar.gz file. Or you can directly use this URL =release/community/build-2765/alfresco-community-tomcat-3.3.tar.gz and use standard download.

Thank you for the step-by-step instructions. By far, it's the most detailed and thorough from what I know. I've spent the weekend following several recipes but so far I still don't have a working Alfresco install. After reading yours I thought I was onto something, however your instructions don't say where to copy the rest of the alfresco files after unzipping them, only the war files. I'm off to my next Google result but just wanted to let you know about the oversight. Cheers.

Discovered a couple of noteworthy things:

1. You must access with the site with port 8080 and /share -- which actually gives me a login screen at :8080/share

2. I have an empty alfresco database. It's there in phpmyadmin but there is nothing in it. I found instructions for building it with an older version of Alfresco by importing a db_setup.sql file, but the instructions assume an install in /opt which I don't have and I can't find the file anywhere in the leftovers of the tmp directory...

I assumed that the people know that when you install application into tomcat, then by default that application goes into some directory (i.e. alfresco, share) and in that case you access it using:



Assuming you didn't recofigure tomcat, if you did - then you know where it is.

As for the database, you don't touch it, Alfresco will create it when it is started for the first time (and it has to have appropriate privileges to do so, i.e. the best is to grant all privileges to alfresco user defined in the database!).

Accorindg to what you wrote, you didn't start Alfresco but share (i.e. use the URL that has alfresco in it).

Thanks for responding. I'm not new to linux but I am new to Alfresco and Tomcat. Your instructions:

"Now, start tomcat again and try to open the following URL in a Web browser:"

As I said in my earlier comment, this address (without the port) gets me nothing. Using :8080/alfresco gets me a 404 error. Using :8080/share gets me a log in page that will not let me log in. Opening the database in phpMyAdmin shows me the database is there but it is empty. The database user has ALL permissions.

Thanks for all your help. I'll try this again with Centos instead of Scientific Linux. There is obviously some difference between the two.

You are right, that URL was misleading. I changed URL to include port also.

As for your problem. I doubt that the problem is Scientific Linux. Your problem is not with the database, but it starts much earlier. Check that there is alfresco.war in webapps directory, that it has the same permissions and owner as share.war. Also, try to open URL and then look in catalina.out to see what tomcat reported as a problem.

As an update to my previous comment. Editing WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/ does not seem to be necessary after all. In my installation, the original mistake was that was not readable by tomcat. 

You could add to your blog a reminder to check/change the permissions of

Alfresco service initialization has started and Alfresco share will be accessible after a few minutes. It is always a good idea to view your Tomcat logs to ensure Alfresco has initialized properly. Those logs will be available at /opt/alfresco/tomcat/logs/catalina.out.

Please note that clustering of Alfresco instances is only available in the Alfresco Enterprise. Hazelcast is used to provide multicast messaging between the web-tier nodes. This blog will be using the community edition, and note that e.g. site/user dashboard layout changes on one Alfresco node are not replicated to the other nodes since Hazelcast is only enabled in the enterprise edition. However, the content repository works fine in the community edition as the content files are on the same GlusterFS partition and the content metadata is replicated via Galera. 2351a5e196

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