CV & Research

See PDF version here (Updated: April, 2024)

Education Background

Ph.D. in Business (Finance)                                  2020 - 2025 (expected)

Singapore Management University, LKC School of Business                                   Singapore

M.S. in Quantitative Financial Economics                               2018 - 2020

Duke University, Department of Economics                                                 Durham, NC, USA

B.B.A. in Financial Management                                                 2014 - 2018

Nankai University, Business School                                                                     Tianjin, China

Working Papers

( * presented by co-author)

[1] Overnight-Intraday Return Gap and the Retail Ebb and Flow

with Yongkil Ahn (SeoulTech), Don Noh (HKUST) and Stella Y. Park (SMU)

[2] Expected Return in Night and Day: Role of Trading Volume (in-progress)

with Zhiheng He (Tsinghua) and Dashan Huang (SMU)

Pre-Doc Publications

Working Experience

Singapore Management University (2020-now)

Teaching Assistant

2023-24 FNCE 6002 Private Equity and Venture Capital Investing (Master)

2022-23 FNCE 101 Finance (Undergraduate)

 FNCE 203 Analysis of Equity Securities (Undergraduate)

 FNCE 6002 Private Equity and Venture Capital Investing (Master)

2021-22 FNCE 201 Corporate Finance (Undergraduate)

 STAT 700 Basic Research Methodology and Statistics (Ph.D. in General Management)

 FNCE 305 Analysis of Derivative Securities (Undergraduate)

2020-21 FNCE 6018 Advanced Derivatives (Master)

Research Assistant

2022-23 for Dr. Stella Park (School of Accountancy)

2021-22 for Dr. Jun Yu (School of Economics)

Duke University (2018-2020)

2019  Research Assistant: Dr. Andrew J. Patton, Department of Economics

2019  Teaching Assistant: ECON 672 High-Frequency Financial Econometrics (M.S. & Ph.D level)

Grants & Awards

2023-24 SMU Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowship

2020-24 SMU Ph.D. Full Scholarship

2015-17   Nankai Undergraduate Scholarship

Personal Information

Languages: Chinese (Native), English (Proficient), Cantonese (Conversation) and French (Reading)

Programming: Python, R, MATLAB, LaTeX, Stata, Git

Certificates: CFA® program - Level I passed