Alex Lamb

I am currently a senior researcher at Microsoft Research (MSR-NYC) under John Langford.  This ICML tutorial ( is a good overview of what I've been working on.  

I completed my PhD in Computer Science at the University of Montreal advised by Yoshua Bengio and a recipient of the Twitch PhD Fellowship 2020.  

While a graduate student I have completed internships at Google Brain Tokyo with David Ha and Preferred Networks with Takeru Miyato.  I have also worked at the National Institute of Informatics with Tarin Clanuwat.  

In 2018 I completed my Ms.C. at the University of Montreal with Aaron Courville.  Before joining the University of Montreal, I was an applied research scientist at Amazon (2013-2015), where I worked on developing new algorithms for demand forecasting.  

Research Interests

My research is on the intersection of developing new algorithms for machine learning and new applications.  In the area of algorithms, I'm particularly interested in (1) making deep networks more modular and richly structured and (2) improving the generalization performance of deep networks, especially across shifting domains.  I am particularly interested in techniques which use functional inspiration from the brain and psychology to improve performance on real tasks.  

In terms of applications of Machine Learning, I'm interested in pretty much everything.  My most recent applied work has been on historical Japanese documents and has resulted in KuroNet, a publicly released service which makes classical Japanese documents (more) understandable to readers of modern Japanese.  At Amazon, I worked on systems for estimating how much products will sell in the future.  As an undergraduate, I developed text classifiers for Twitter to help measure and monitor flu outbreaks.  


Ph.D. Computer Science – University of Montreal.  2018-Present.  

M.Sc. Computer Science – University of Montreal.  2016-2018.  

B.Sc. Computer Science and Applied Mathematics and Statistics – Johns Hopkins University.  2011-2013.  


Conference and Journal Publications: 

Pre-print and Workshop Papers: 

Writings (for general public)

I have written a few non-academic articles aimed at the general public.  

Article on 

Article on MILA blog: 


I created a Youtube Channel on Machine Learning with 13 videos, over 39500 views, over 715 subscribers, and over 160,000 minutes watched.  

I served as a teaching assistant and gave a guest lecture for Aaron Courville's course on Deep Learning (Winter 2017).  

IJCAI 2020 Tutorial on Modularity and Generalization (upcoming).  

I have given many public lectures introducing my research: 


While I was an applied research scientist on Amazon's forecasting team, I supervised two summer PhD interns: Sholeh Forouzan (received and accepted full time offer at Amazon) in 2014 and Pyry Takala (founded TrueAI) in 2015.  

Datasets and Code for Research

Academic and Community Service

I have served as a reviewer for the following conferences:

I have co-organized four academic workshops: 

I co-organized a Kaggle Competition based on my research on Medieval Japanese Document Recognition: