Alex Colley

My full name is Kenneth Alexander Scott Colley. I was born in Westerville, Ohio on April 21st, 2005. At a young age, I was invested with exploring. Whether it was playing with hot wheels or climbing through trees; I always wanted to see the most I could of this little world of ours. Later in my teen years, I grew a passionate interest in politics. I noticed though that all my friends would be confused or uninterested when I brought up anything political. Back then, I did not think much about it, but today I have set myself a new goal. I want to get young people involved and caring about these issues because whether they like it or not, they will affect their futures. I meet people all the time while working at my local Kroger store in Central Ohio that are fed up; I am keeping them in mind on my journey as well. As I've started to approach adulthood, I've begun to care about these issues even more. I care about our young people and all other citizens of our great nation, and I am making it my goal to make their lives just a bit better. Vermont can help with making this difference; this race is an uphill battle and I know it. But at the end of the day, no matter what the end result is, I will know I made a difference.