
The project Poss-Alm is part of a larger project, which focusses on nominal relations. One of the questions dealt with is: In what way does modification involving two nominals differ synctactically from adjectival modification? Unlike adjectives, nouns can never directly modify other nouns but must either be introduced with a preposition or one of the nouns must be marked for genitive. Adnominal possessive constructions constitute one specific subgroup of nominal modification. German and specifically German dialects are interesting as there are a number of different constructions to express possessive relations. While in external constructions like in (1) a definite article is possible to mark the relation between possessor and possessee, in the so called possessor doubling construction in (2) a possessive determiner is required. This suggests that dative marking of the possessor in adnominal possession does not markt the relation as possessive but an additional possessive marker is required. One aim of the project therefore is to try and get a better understanding of the categorial status and function of the possessive element in adnominal constructions.

(1) Dem Vater ist ein Stein auf den Fuß gefallen.

      The father is a stone on the foot fallen. 

      'A stone fell on father's foot'

(2) Das ist dem Vater sein Hut

      This is the father his hat

      'This is father's hat'

(3) *Das ist dem Vater der Hut

This is the father the hat

        Intended: 'This is father's hat'

The data forming the basis for the Poss-Alm project were collected within the SynAlm-project (Syntax of Alemannic), which was led by Ellen Brandner. The main goal and details on SynAlm can be found on the SynAlm  webpage.  The main goal of Poss-Alm is to make parts of the large amount of existing data acessible in an online atlas. The atlas provides the basis for exploring different types of nominal modification. The visualisation of the data with maps is insightful, as it allows to detect areal patterns (or their absence) w.r.t. the use or acceptance of certain adnominal constructions. The maps are created with the REDE SprachGIS and the atlas is available as part of the atlas collection on the REDE webpage. More information and access here

At this point, more than 400 maps have been created and are equipped with further information on the individual constructions. The area in which the data were collected covers almost the entire Alemannic region (excluding those in Bavaria) and also covers parts of the Franconian regions in the north. 

The Alemannic region - the coloured areas display the regions in which data were collected.