Alexandre Pannier

"La logique mène à tout, à condition d'en sortir." Alphonse Allais

CV (February 2024)


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Rough Volatility Network

Email: pannier[at]

Office: Bâtiment Sophie Germain, bureau 5041

Hello, I am a researcher and teacher in mathematics in the field of probability. Since September 2022, I am maître de conférences (Assistant Professor) at Université Paris Cité in the Laboratoire de Probabilités Statistique et Modélisation (LPSM) and part of the team Mathématiques financières et actuarielles, probabilités numériques.

Formerly, I was a Research Associate (postdoc) in Mathematics at Imperial College London, where I completed my PhD in 2021 under the supervision of Antoine Jacquier. The Department of Mathematics awarded me the Yael Dowker Prize for the best Maths PhD Thesis of the year.


19-20/09 - The London-Paris Bachelier workshop is coming back!

18/03 - Preprint: A path-dependent PDE solver based on signature kernels (with C. Salvi), available on [arXiv]

Research. My research interests lie at the intersection of stochastic analysis and mathematical finance, with a particular emphasis on Volterra processes, rough volatility models and their applications to option pricing. Recently, I have been particularly interested in path-dependent PDEs related to fractional processes and more generally in "lifting" stochastic Volterra processes to infinite-dimensional spaces in order to retrieve the Markov property. The common thread of my PhD thesis is the use of agnostic tools, primarly asymptotic methods, which remain efficient in the absence of Markovianity. The list of my publications and preprints is below

Please refer to the Overview for a short presentation of my research field or to my thesis' main introduction for a friendly and more comprehensive one. You can also check out this page for a list of past and upcoming talks.



PhD thesis

Defended on Guy Fawkes day.

A few slides

List of past, present and future co-authors