Alexandre Florent NOLIN


My research focuses on the development of annually resolved tree-ring proxies to reconstruct climate, discharge and natural disturbances during the Common Era to support risk management related to natural hazards (flood, droughts) and ecosystem-based forest management. I particularly explore how novel applications of flood records from tree rings can improve our understanding of their climatic drivers to improve the regional hydroclimatic predictive trajectories in the context of climate change. 

Some of my research branched out into locating and preserving unique natural tree-ring archives of our past hydroclimate. I also study how hydroclimate variability and extremes affect boreal and montane forest ecology and landscapes with a specific interest into riparian and lacustrine forests.

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Laboratory of Tree Ring Research, Laboratory : Connie Woodhouse

University of Arizona, Bannister Building #320

1215 E Lowell St, Tucson, AZ 85721 (USA) 

External Resource

Forest Research Institute

University of Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue

445 Boulevard de l'Université, Rouyn-Noranda, QC J9X 5E4 (CANADA)

Associate Editor

Tree-Ring Research, Journal of the Tree-Ring Society 


International Research Network on Cold Forests

Research Station - Research and Teaching Forest of Lake Duparquet (UQAT - UQAM)

Lac Hébécourt, 488 Chemin du Balbuzard, Rapide-Danseur, QC J0Z 3G0 (CANADA) 

Research Interests

Degrees held

Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona

Publications and Dataset contributed

8. Alexandre F. NOLIN, Martin P. Girardin, Jan F. Adamowski, Rahim Barzegar, Marie-Amélie Boucher, Jacques C. Tardif, Yves Bergeron (2023). Observed and projected trends in spring flood discharges for the Upper Harricana River, eastern boreal Canada. In Journal of Hydrology : Regional Studies. (OpenAcess)

7. Alexandre F. NOLIN (2022). Reconstruction of discharge and high spring water levels in the Abitibi River basin, eastern boreal Canada, for the last 250 years and projections of potential effects from climate change. Ph.D. Dissertation. Doctorat en Sciences de l'Environnementn Institut de Recherche sur les Forêts, Université du Québec en Abitibi Témiscamingue. 287p.

6. Alexandre F. NOLIN, Martin P. Girardin, Jacques C. Tardif, Xiao Jing Guo, France Conciatori, Yves Bergeron (2022). A 247-year tree-ring reconstruction of spring temperature and relation to spring flooding in eastern boreal Canada. In International Journal of Climatology.  (OpenAcess)


5. Alexandre F. NOLIN, Jacques C. Tardif, France Conciatori, Yves Bergeron (2021). Flood-rings production modulated by river regulation in eastern boreal Canada. In Frontiers in Plant Science. (OpenAcess)


4. Jacques C. Tardif, Susanne Kames, Alexandre F. NOLIN, Yves Bergeron (2021). Earlywood Vessels in Black Ash (Fraxinus nigra Marsh.) trees show contrasting sensitivity to hydroclimate variables according to flood exposure. In Frontiers in Plant Science. (OpenAcess)

3. Jacques C. Tardif, Heather Dickson, France Conciatori, Alexandre F. NOLIN, Yves Bergeron (2021). Are periodic (intra-annual) tangential bands of vessels in diffuse-porous tree species the equivalent of flood rings in ring-porous speices ? Repoducibility and cause. In Dendrochronologia. 

2. Alexandre F. NOLIN, Jacques C. Tardif, France Conciatori, Yves Bergeron (2021). Spatial coherency of the spring flood signal among major river basins of eastern boreal Canada inferred from flood rings. In Journal of Hydrology.


1. Alexandre F. NOLIN, Jacques C. Tardif, France Conciatori, Susanne Kames, David M. Meko, Yves Bergeron (2021). Multi-century tree-ring anatomical evidence reveals increasing frequency and magnitude of spring discharge and floods in eastern boreal Canada. In Global and Planetary Change.